
First- raben76325 you won the heart punch- e-mail me to claim prize. (mflaum (at) comcast (dot) net)

Now it’s friday… but I’ve got one monster of a cold so not sure how good it is. ugh. I’ve felt it coming for about a week now, and I was hoping it’d pass me by since I was taking good care… guess not. My eyes are too watery and my head hurts too much to enjoy reading, so I’ve been sorting buttons and rhinestones and sequins. (fascinating, I know)



So here’s my work station right now. The computer + paper craft areas are shaping up- though I still have a LOT of work to come it’s nice to have my drawers and little bits sorted.


I’ve had people ask why I keep some random bits and childhood toys and such… the answer is that I like them, they make me happy, and happy leads to creativity! This space is the only space I have that is 100% MINE that nobody else uses or has a say in, so I take full advantage and make it truly a happy place.

Hopefully this cold will let go and I can get on with the cleaning and some play too! Have a great weekend

glimpses so far…


Still a long way to go before things get purdy. I’m in the toss/donate/keep stage (sorting) so I can figure out what, if any new storage is needed. For now here are some pretty glimpses of the work table…


my mom gave me the singer tin for Christmas. I’ve got all the thread and stuff in there. LOVE IT.


that alba pineapple quench lip gloss is BEST EVAH! I’m a lip gloss fiend… but that’s my favorite and I have plenty thanks to my darling friend (who is able to get it for me!) Also- you’ll see I’m keeping a few colors of glitter in dishes. I’ll explain that another day.

Back to the blah part of sorting, hope to be making pretty with my space soon!


I’ve forever been a mix-match, whatever I’ve got I’ll make work kind of girl for my craft space. That said, over the years it’s gotten more and more difficult to function efficiently and have good flow to my work station.

The other day in costco we noticed the 8″ long work bench (meant for a garage, no doubt) was back… and I took the plunge. Here’s what we’ve got going so far:


my trusty ikea desk will stay where it is (you can see a corner of it all cluttered up) but now this table will act as sewing, crafting, computer, and all around awesomeness station. Since it’s only 24″ deep this is a MUCH better fit for my narrow room. Since I’ve got a break in crafty-deadlines I figured there won’t be a better time for this project.

It goes without saying- I had to make an insane mess elsewhere to make this fit… and now I’m going to work on cleaning that mess and getting back in order!

I’ll be back to post more photos and choose the (punch) winner soon…

MM jan/feb

I was asked to do a hybrid layout (do-able in under 1hr) for the jan/feb Memory Makers issue. I was surprised and thrilled that two of my favorites- Heidi Grace and Basic Grey- blended so well together.


and the digital element from Katie Pertiet? Ahhhh I do love her stuff (


not to mention the scallop heart punch from Fiskars that I lurve…


In fact, I have an XL scallop heart squeeze punch (as shown above!) that I’d like to give away. Just leave a comment here to be entered!