Mermaid sequin frame

Deep into summer and wanting a fun project to play with I decided to combine some sequins +a small frame to make a mermaid inspired “scale” filled frame.

Any sequins will work – the two tools you really will want is craft pick OR craft tweezers + PPA adhesive. PPA is a great clear, matte finish, all around glorious adhesive I use and recommend regularly. To start this project I decided to work from the inside out. Lay down some adhesive, and start lining up those sequins.

As you can see I only slightly overlapped them to create the look, but just enough for no gaps. Don’t worry if things aren’t perfect. This is hand crafted! Once you’ve made it all the way around, continue working in rows and work outward. I decided to work one quarter of the frame at a time.

There is no wrong answer here! I decided to mix up what kinds of sequins I used and do different patterns. You could continue the same design over and over if you wanted!

Once everything is finished, move any pieces around if needed. The glue does stay wet a while so it is forgiving. Then once dry- it’s final touches time!

Using my craft pick I added a sentiment sticker as well as some beads, pearls, and buttons. This frame took about ninety minutes to make but I was in no hurry – I was having so much fun placing the sequins just so!

I have a number of ideas for more of these in the future from rainbow to ombre to holiday themes. Such a fun way to dress up a frame! Have a darker color or badly colored frame you want to use? Just paint it and allow paint to dry before trying this.

ScanNCut: Summer Creative Favorites

It’s almost halfway through our summer break… how did that happen so quickly?! As you know (since I am always super upfront about it!) I do work with Brother primarily as a brand ambassador for the ScanNCut. I LOVE this machine, and I am happy to share my own opinions and ideas about it with you regularly!

Well I was feeling (if only for a moment!) in a crafty rut and trying to figure out what to make next… and so I wanted to share with you where I go and what I do when I am in need of creative inspiration. Today’s edition will be ScanNCut specific – but I bet ScanNCut or not you’ll be inspired!

Continue reading “ScanNCut: Summer Creative Favorites”

Scrapbooking sports: approaches & tips

“How do you handle scrapbooking kid activities/sports?”

This is a question I get a lot, and honestly it’s pretty simple. I look at the event/season/situation and decide the approach that makes the most sense for me and the stories to be told. The most important things to remember are that you don’t have to use sports themed anything, and you don’t have to use a lot of photos if you do not want to.

Continue reading “Scrapbooking sports: approaches & tips”