I *love* Cosmo.

Cosmo Cricket is a long time love ‘o mine.  Their papers seem to be made for me. Why, I was at a scrapbook store (a rare thing- I happened to be about an hour away for other reasons and happened across it!) and found this Honey Pie line. It’s not new, but I sure don’t remember ever seeing it so it’s new to me and I’m thrilled. The papers beg me to stitch and ink and love them…


Some random photos of Becca at Disneyland. These papers make me sooo happy- I think I might go back in for more play time…

big thank yous.

My 8-week BPS class is now over, and I’m sad… but at the same time looking forward to some future ideas bouncing around that I’m working on. I want to take a minute to thank the companies that donated prizes that I gave away during class. I contacted seven companies that are in my “can’t craft without” personal list and they were each so very generous to the lucky students who won. THANK YOU!!!

American Crafts

A peek into yesterday

Cosmo Cricket


Pink Paislee


Scarlet Lime

To say thank you again I’ll be crafting something with their products and posting one a day- a week of thanks! It starts tomorrow- stay tuned! 🙂

beards, lilacs, and sunny days.

Well a few people have noticed that Jason has a beard. What’s up with that? Long story short- he’s been home on injury leave for a while now and is maintaining a beard that would be not ok were he working. (something about face masks getting proper seal against skin in fires? I forget.) He’s the bearded man.


I had a older horse once with a stiff knee/arthritis issues that caused her to walk funny. In addition to some supplements, about every 6 months she got a cortisone injection and was back to jumping around like a young filly. I think it’s safe to say she appreciated it! I like to tell this story to Jason especially when he looks like this:


 He just had treatment on his elbow (the arm with black band on it) and I’m told it is very, very sore. Also- the terms of the cortisone injection (yes, just like my old mare) are that he do almost NOTHING for 2 weeks. He doesn’t have arthritis ,but for his issues they’re trying this. In case you don’t know- he’s always doing something… so no gym, no projects, no nothing but TV and maybe typing e-mails is making life fun here. Actually it’s not that bad and I’m just glad they’re doing something at long last about his pain and suffering.

But enough about the cranky dude, let’s talk about the weather. It’s been FANTASTIC here- sunny and warm and the girls and I have been planting flowers and working in the yard. Feels great to get out there! Miss E likes to go to Lowes and buy flowers. Every time I turn around she’s asking if we need more. Then of course we get home, she runs off, and I’m left with the dirty work. Ah well, I expected nothing less. 🙂


The wisteria is in full bloom, and watching those happy bumble bees has become a favorite activity.


The lilacs are at it too, and my nose is FINALLY clear enough to smell them. C’mon spring- we’re ready!!!

I wish

When I was a girl… ok all the way up to probably about age 15 or so… I wished a lot. I talked to God in church and prayer, made wishes on stars, talked to my fairy godmother (you know, in case I had one), and just generally WISHED. Sometimes it was to have more friends or help me out with some drama… but 2 things were repeatedly asked for:

* lighter hair (preferably curly)

* blue eyes (or green)

Yes, I really wished, A LOT to not be a dark brown haired, brown eyed girl. By the time I was about 15 though, I started getting a lot more comfortable in my skin and accepting of who I am. (Plus I had figured out that only contacts and/or hair dye was going to change my appearance that much!) These days I’m 110% fine with my hair and eyes, in fact I like them. All that said, I have to wonder if all my wishing wasn’t for nothing. If somebody heard and thought “we couldn’t change your eye color May, but…”



A cosmic joke? I don’t know, but it amuses me to no end that my girls both have blue eyes and light hair, and that miss R wound up with curly, curly hair. I hope they enjoy what I wished for (for myself) all those years ago as a child.

(and yes, this is me thinking out journaling for a very soon-t0-be scrapbook page…)

chocolate winner-

scrappycandy – shoot me an e-mail (mflaum at comcast dot net) to claim your prize!

I have more, so much more but right now I’m experimenting with drugs. No, wait, that sounds really bad. What I mean is, I thought I had bad allergies and it’s morphed into full blown nasty cold and I was wrong and that means I wasn’t doing all the things a person just getting a cold should do so I messed myself up good.

So… I’ve been to target’s fabulous  drug isle and I am thinking that the tylenol cold sounds promising. I’ll let you know!

For the record- I normally just let colds play out without drug interference but I can hardly breathe! I can’t taste anything! This must end. I’m feeling like that 20 year old girl who used to have to take cold meds to make it through a day of work at the bank from time to time. Oh that girl, she didn’t have any major worries or cares in the world and could lay around all day as needed outside of work.

I hardly remember those days…

Off to dose up and we’ll see how much better I feel!