a peek at my recipes class-

Guess what? In just 1 week my class recipes for scrapbook success starts!! If you’re thinking about joining us (and I sure hope you do!) let me share a bit about it –

First of all, yes, this is a re-run of the original class. I had a lot of people asking for this to be re-run, and we had such a good time (and positive feedback) the first time around that we’ve brought it back. The audio files are all new, but handouts are the same.

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So that said, want to know a bit about it? You can see the details, hear an audio file, and register here: http://www.bigpicturescrapbooking.com/recipes.php  and I’ll share a bit about it myself here too. What exactly are ‘recipes’ in scrapbooking? It could be the way I use lines of buttons, a specific journaling format, a sketch for my photos, and so much more! I broke class down into 4 separate areas (paper, photos, journaling, embellishments) and I also give bonus content including a handout about combining recipes. Oh yes, you can combine these ideas!

All of my layouts in class are real. What I mean is, I scrapbook normally for my classes – I don’t use stock photos, set up special photo shoots, or otherwise stage events that aren’t real in my life. Not only do I prefer to scrap my own stuff, but I also find that my layouts tend to be more useful and adaptable for my students. I primarily work with 4×6 photos (both single and double page layouts) printed out from Costco, though I do something special once in a while.

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What I love about this class – and recipes in general for scrapbooking is that you can cut down on think time and maximize the creative play. Also since students share in the gallery you get to see a TON of takes on the recipes and get even more ideas. Also I think it’s important to note that substitutions are expected and very easy to do in this class. Use that stash!!

Would you like to see a whole page? Here’s a layout featured in week 2 –

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One of the few single page layouts, but one that I still like to look at and touch. So about class, I can also tell you that there are LOADS of scrapbook layouts. For every recipe there is a minimum of 2 samples… and there are 4-6 recipes a week. Oh yes, the total # of pages shared is well over 50 in this 4-week class!!!

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Not only that but we have a gallery, message board, chats, and of course you can e-mail me too. I’d suggest this class for any level or style of scrapbooker really, because the ideas I share can be utilized in an infinite number of ways, and customized to any style or level of experience.

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If you have any questions about the class, do feel free to ask them here or via e-mail. I’d be happy to help! I hope you enjoyed these sneaky peeks – and I hope to see you in class next week!!

~ May

PS – for my recipes alumni – at this moment I’m finishing a holiday (all new) project now recipes class to be up this fall. I’ll be sure to share details when I can!!

fabulous Monday

I won’t lie – I love Mondays. New week goodness, here I come. Today I’m extra pumped because all kinds of goodness is going on in my craft area. Wanna see?

I’m not buying any new cute boxes. But honestly, how could I leave her at Michael’s? I couldn’t It was non-negotiable.


Now let’s talk about my favorite beverage treat of choice – a sonic cherry limeade. Of course it’s 30+minutes away from my house (one east, one west) so it’s RARE. What’s a girl to do? Mix limeade + sprite + a splash of grenadine. It’s not quite the same- but tart and delicious!!


Why am I breaking out the Limeade this afternoon? Well let’s just say that a box arrived with the Teresa Collins new Friendship Line of papers. HOLY COW!!!  I thought I drooled when I saw these on-line, but in person? Color me in love.


You can’t see it, but my fingers are just out of frame clawing to get at these papers and CREATE.


The other thing on my desk just begging for attention is this FABULOUS kit – the first from the Girls Loft. Pink + Green fabulo-city that I have BIG plans for as well.


Have a wonderful week!

it’s in progress.

I know, I’m always saying that but I think it’s true. life, crafts, projects… if you’re not in progress then you’re standing still and that’s no good! Here’s a sewing project I’ve stopped working on because I am trying to decide where to take it next.


Actually I’m a little further along- I filled the remaining holes and stitched everybody up. I’m just trying to decide if I do a big flower & beading over the scraps… or if I leave it as scrappy patchwork and turn into wall hanging or pillow case. Undecided, and that’s ok.

Why? Because! There are many more in-progress projects here I can go occupy my time with…

It’s not a question of weird…

because I already know I’m weird.


but here’s the question: Am I the only one who likes to ‘cure’ her gummy bears? Because I like to let them sit out a few days until slightly hard on outside. I think they taste better. However, I like gummy cola bottles straight out of package, and honestly same with all the other gummy stuff. But bears, properly cured, are my fave.