aug 22 crop

Angela Daniels, friend, fellow candy lover, and current lead fiskateer invited me to a crop – and for once it works out with my schedule and I’m going!!! Here’s the details – you could join us if you’re in the Bay Area, CA on aug 22!!

If you’re coming do let me know – perhaps I’ll put together some goodie bags…  hmmm.

What should I bring? How will I pack? I’ll share for sure – stay tuned!!

In memory of all the great films John Hughes films, I had to watch this again today.


it totally made me want to go dig out the rest of my teen classic movies, pull out the ‘ol yearbooks and walk down memory lane…


(somebody did like blowing out candles, did NOT like having Happy Birthday sung to her- gotta say I’m with her on both counts.)


Welcome to Becca’s 2and birthday. Mickey Mouse and Dora share equal billing, as they are her 2 favorite characters/tv shows/toys. Mickey had plates & napkins, and also cute cupcake stickers atop (yum) Barefoot Contessa coconut cupcakes. Dora stood atop the cake & graced the cupcake wrappers. I don’t think Rebecca could have been happier about it.


She did poke her fingers into the frosting (on cake) this morning and I had to fix it up. It’s ok – I knew she was going to try and “eat eat my Doooo-aaaah cake” at some point.


yellow cake AND chocolate cake – because her majesty, when asked to choose which one said “yes” repeatedly and mommy is a sucker for baking challenges.


She saw this at a friend’s house and went nuts a few weeks back and I suggested to Nana & Papa they might want to look into it. She’s so happy to have her own little vanity & stool.


Big sister got her a set of tiny Mickey books. They are obsessed with tiny books – and already these are a huge hit too. She also got a little bag & bear (hand sewn by great aunt and great grandma), a few more books, and presents from mom & dad yet to be opened. We’re taking our time.


So that’s a glimpse of Miss Rebecca’s 2and birthday. It was nice to have a lunch party with just grandparents & very low-key. Of course I hung streamers and made it “so beuuuu-fuuuul” for her, and now we will spend the rest of the day recovering – much like the day she was born.

Recipe improv.

I made my (soon to be) 2 year old’s birthday cake tonight, and it was really painful to think about throwing out the scrap I’d cut off the top of the round to flatten it. My diet won’t allow me to eat all of that… if only there was something I could do with it. 

(insert lightbulb moment here)

I took it and mixed it up with the remnant of chocolate frosting left over. Once it was good and mixed (and crumby) I dumped it into the 2/3 full little container of Haagen Dazs vanilla bean ice cream, mash it in, and re-freeze.


oh my. mercy me. I’m all verklempt. talk amongst yourselves.

The ramakin above, if you can’t tell is TINY. I’m going to have to ration this very carefully but it’ll be worth 20 extra minutes gym time tomorrow. Boy howdy.

Speaking of Recipes – it’s your last chance tosign up for my recipes class that starts today at Big Picture Scrapbooking! Class starts today – and the recipes are of the scrapbook nature so totally calorie-free!

and it went a ‘lil somethin’ like this –

6a notice my friend/neighbor’s sister has her car parked in driveway. Suspect she’s there to watch the kiddo and my neighbor (Leslie) might be in labor (she’s 9mo pg), but of course dont’ ask. NEVER ask a woman about when she’s due! Log onto computer and see  that I got a facebook msg. confirming (from sister) – her water broke at 330am this morning!!

730a – out door. preschool drop. Target run.

820a- target run cut short by power outage! FYI – standing in a pitch black Target? scary. Lucky they have safety/back-up generator lights so I could see to make my exit. Oh yeah, and this affected ‘shopping row’ so my Michael’s, JoAnn, and Outlet Mall stops had to be canceled.

(insert working on new BIG Picture class, feeding kids, cleaning house here)

3pm – E throws a mother of a tantrum. I should say a two year old of a tantrum – it’s been close to a year since I’ve seen one like this!!! This includes her ripping my hair out, trying to gauge out my eyes, and being totally crazed. There is only one thing that will chill her and that is to literally chill her overheating body. A lukewarm/cool shower, five minutes, she’s back. (phew.)

4pm – Gym. Of course. I’ve become exercise/gym girl and I am loving it. more on that later.

5pm – costco. No samples anywhere = my girls served up extra cranky with side of attitude. They were paid off with hotdogs for dinner – something they consider a delicacy.

7p- try to work out time/place for GIJOE with one of my besties. Whenever I want to see a movie BAD and Jason won’t go (99.9% of time, by the way) I go with her.

730p – E suggests we go “pull on the baby to make – a him come out. It takes too long for a baby to go pop and be born”. She’s just obsessed with hospitals and wants to visit. I had to shut that down quick. We won’t be bothering the poor woman who just had a baby and LONG labor ever. WE can wait for her safe return home.

8pm – eldest, who should be beyond exhausted is still up and I’ve yet to start my ‘when kids go to sleep…’ work.

830p – get odd ‘come out and play’ text from man neighbor. I start to be skeeved out until he responds apologizing and telling me that he thought it was daddy-to-be texting him the baby/hospital update, not me. I laugh. a lot. It makes sense, and I’m very glad I didn’t have to shun the neighbor/perv I was starting to think he was. laughing more and making “hey pretty lady come outside” jokes with girlfriends now.

930p – another baby update. no baby yet. I feel for her. really I do.

1015pm – starting to blog because DANG IT!!! I keep trying to blog y’all and stuff keeps happening. Today has been one heckuva day – and I’m hoping tomorrow will be great – fabulous – because I will:

  • keep on working on new BIG class.
  • get set for BIG class to start Thursday – it’s recipes!!
  • figure out B-day cake for Rebecca dilemma.
  • do step class, full upper workout, AND zumba.
  • wrap becca’s bday gifts before they’re found
  • find out how baby boy is doing! (as of this minute momma is 9 1/2cm)
  • oooh – bake some stuff for new family of 4!!!
  • blog something with photos. seriously.
  • put next blog give away together.
  • more fabulocity. I just KNOW IT!!!

There you go – a day in my vida loca with Jason at work. It’s always just a bit nuttier when he’s gone.