“Poison” Apple treats with the new ScanNCut DX

As you know if you are a regular here, I work with Brother (all ideas & opinions always my own, of course) – and I’m excited to tell you that there is a new ScanNCut in town! I am working on some in depth videos to share the differences and details. For today – I’ve got a quick peek and a project that I am SO excited about!

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Around here: September 2018

September is here and with it I’m announcing fall, even though truly cool temperatures won’t be here for a few more months. August was possibly the busiest month I’ve ever had in my life – I was home for maybe half the month! Crazy times I tell you. I already reported on GenCon and all of that in the last report. So what else has been going on? Let me fill you in!


Above is a photo from my inlaws 50th wedding celebration – love these girls of mine! I only appear tall here because I was wearing heels. Otherwise Becca and I are pretty much the same height and Elizabeth is tallest!

We also helped our beloved cousin move into college nearby – excited to see more of her now that she’s so close! That was a eye opening experience for us all and a preview for the girls what all moving into college entails.

Milk tea remains a favorite rare treat in our house – I don’t see that changing! We’re lucky to have a nice local place that we enjoy getting it from. I like Lavender, while Becca is more of a fruity gal and Elizabeth is into the regular/plain.

Brother has a new ScanNCut machine coming (more on that in another post) – and I’ve been working on new videos with it. Stay tuned! Speaking of staying tuned…

The pups have taken to waiting out side for Rebecca to get home from school. With these lovely warm afternoons they love sitting and waiting. They’re NOT fans of the kids being in school- they much prefer their people to be at home!

Looking ahead we have a month full of school activities, and getting into a good routine. I’m working to make school hoursĀ  my primary “work” hours and make the most of that time. I’m excited about some projects I have planned, and optimistic about doing better work batching/sorting so that I feel like I have more free time to pursue passion projects!

What are you looking forward to this month?

ScanNCut: Custom Birthday Dress

I *love* getting crafty requests for help, and this project was no exception! My neighbor has seen my posts about the ScanNCut, and knows that I work with Brother so she asked if I could help fix up a custom dress. My thought? Sounds like FUN!

Continue reading “ScanNCut: Custom Birthday Dress”

Quick DIY: Lavender Satchel

I had this idea (ha!) and now I find myself with a huge bag of lavender (purchased on amazon – here’s an affiliate link) and a lot of satchels to make. Here’s the great news: this is a project with a LOT of variations and you can totally make any size/shape you like to add a nice scent to your closet, drawer, etc!

I wanted a hanging one to put in my closet and I decided to start with a circle pattern and some Wonder Woman fabric.

To begin with, you’ll want fabric, a pen, and you can either machine or hand stitch. I drew a circle on the back side of the fabric – FYI this is a folded piece of fabric “inside out” so that when stitched and turned I will have a circle shaped pouch.

Continue reading “Quick DIY: Lavender Satchel”

What to do when you don’t know what to make. A crafty mystery!

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? For me this can be a HUGE problem if I’m facing deadlines or otherwise ‘must create’ – what if I am stuck? There are a lot of strategies I use, the one you will NOT ever see me advocate or recommend is ‘just wait for inspiration’. In my experience sitting around waiting does nothing but make the creative block worse, even permanent until you get to doing and making!

So today in this article I will walk you through a struggle with creative block as well as showing you this necklace I made while working it out.

Continue reading “What to do when you don’t know what to make. A crafty mystery!”