The pre-holiday prep.

Think I’m nuts for already planning for Christmas on October 1? Think again! There are a few reasons my way rules:

  • More time, less stress. [on budget planning, finding perfect gifts, your schedule]
  • better selection and options
  • spend December quietly relaxing while others run around in crowds at mall

It’s AWESOME to me, and it is that time where I start plotting. I LOVE that I spend December relaxing, crafting and gift wrapping, and generally avoiding stores. So today I thought I would share some hot/top picks turning up at the Flaum house so far this year:

 This soccer playing barbie = Elizabeth’s top pick. Santa already has one in her workshop… this toy? gonna disappear – in fact it’s already impossible to find around here!

I just spotted this while surfing Williams Sonoma… um… YES PLEASE. I always ask Santa for stuff like this from them – this is  brownie + cookie “Brookie”… and I need to bake them asap. Yes, these look worth the calories!!

I was SO excited to see a new Fancy Nancy book coming out – my girls are HUGE fans (all fancy little girls would LOVE any of her stuff!) – unfortunately it’s not releasing until early February. I am thinking about sending my niece a fancy box filled with treats (chocolate, necklace, accessories…) + a picture of this and a note that she will be getting a special delivery about a month after Christmas…  Amazon has pre-order available so that’s a plus!

Ok, so speaking of pre-order…

Have you seen the new Kindle available for pre-order? It’s looking awfully cool – maybe one of the hot gifts of Christmas 2011? Ok, definitely. I see the basic kindle is just $79 right now… that’s tempting too! While I am not big on e-books (most are just as expensive as paper! I’d rather have paper version!) there are sometimes good deals, and am wondering if MAYBE I want to reconsider…

Know what I wish? I knew a kid I could give this to. I don’t think my girls would play with it enough, but isn’t it awesome?

and how about the awesome mercury glass stuff that Pottery Barn has going on? I always think I’m going to gift shop there… I never actually do. Why is that? Oh well, it’s fun to look.

So, are you like me and looking early? Or do you wait until the last minute? Have you seen anything great (link a girl up!) or so far feeling uninspired?

Also? When is too soon to post my Christmas planner project photos? Do you want to see them now? Want me to wait another month?

Christmas – from gifts to baking to just spending time with family – is so my FAVORITE. Can you tell?

3 good things | 9.30

I can HIGHLY recommend the book What’s your number? (previously published as 20 times a lady) It’s cotton candy light and fluffy, and heroine is a bit of an idiot… but it was hilarious and I found myself snickering all the way through. A very awkwardly funny story. Not in a book mood? Watch the movie! It came out today (no idea if it’s good) – and while trailer looks different from book, who knows. Might be cute.


Want a good healthy snack? Honeycrisp apples are back!!! hooray!! Found these beauties today….


Feeling like something less healthy? My other favorite fall treat has been spotted too??? Check it out!


I’m so loving fall!!

autumn card

As promised, here’s a fun card I created using some of the goodies I’m giving away (see previous post)! [note the sparkle on those leaves! mmm!

LOVE this paper + blending distress inks. This paper is the ULTIMATE neutral. Allows me to customize to any season, and blending has never been so lovely…


If you want to know my process – here’s the video!


the rumors on PRT were true! [give-away]

I’m hosting a fabulous creative crop this weekend [scrapbook island in san jose, ca – I think there are still a few spots left!!] and I’m prepping supplies, prizes, and more… and I thought to myself it might be fun to share some goodies with one of my lovely blog readers.

Oh yes, that’s THE seasonal ltd. edition ink pad set by Tim Holtz, and the awesome Mistables paper pack from Pink Paislee that I actually selected as my pick this week on Paperclipping Roundtable. LOVING both of these things so very much. Would you like the chance to win this prize? Just leave a comment here.  The lucky winner will be drawn on 10/7 and contacted via email.

I had a lot of fun being the guest on PRT this week – and if you’re just popping over from the roundtable podcast – hi!! glad to see you. In the podcast I said I heard “a rumor” that I was doing this prize give away. Yeah, I started that rumor and it’s TRUE!!!

I strongly suggest you re-visit tomorrow. I’m putting the finishing touches on a great project + video, and I have loads more planned for the rest of the week and BEYOND.

Well I’m back to work – happy crafting.



Tape, tape, tape…

I just found these two at – oh my…

Clearly, I”m going to have to add these to my very meager tissue/washi tape collection. CLEARLY. [er, when budget allows, that is. OUCH they’re pricey!]

Here are some choices currently in my shopping cart that are under $10…

Are you a tape collector? (So far I’m not… I use mine up!) What are your favorites? How do you use them? Or do you not get the appeal?
Watch for tapes to play a big part in my upcoming blog series about my creative process…