Welcome to day 1 of Camp Scrap! For more details about this special blog event, prizes, community, and more check out the FAQ page here.
Where does any creative project big or small begin? With a plan, of course! Each Monday during Camp Scrap I will be focusing on some element of planning, and share some ideas and a give away. Today writing inspires me, as it took hours and many pages of writing to make camp Scrap happen!

Last year recovery from an injury meant that for several months I couldn’t use my right (writing) hand at all, and use of it came back oh so slowly and terribly painfully as well. It was during this time as I either dictated to one of my daughters or struggled to make legible scribbles with my left hand that I realized how much I love to write, and how crucial it is for me to be able to do what I do. Here are five reasons why I write:

1. Ideas for the future
As a crafter, often my ideas come to me at the worst possible times. I don’t always have time to make things “right now” whether it is a new technique concept, a scrapbooking story that came to me, or I’m inspired by something I saw and want to try my hand at. Having a notebook to write these ideas means I am very rarely without fresh ideas when I do have time to make, and I have my own well of inspiration when time is available to create.

2. The small steps to get you to the big goals
From creating a vacation scrapbook to trying to pull off a big event (or Camp Scrap here on my blog!) simply wanting to do it, or saying you will isn’t going to get action going. And whether you’re staring down a huge pile of photos or a super messy craft stash – where to begin? If you write down the small steps, the seemingly easy quick things you could do to reach those goals suddenly it got a whole lot easier. Plus I admit – I do so love to check things off a list. You don’t need to know all the steps and you can always add things, but formulating a list of things you want or need to do or include can develop into a heck of a good plan a lot more than simply saying “I want to…”

3. Brain dump for better sleep
Almost every night before bed I write in my “to do” notebook, and that also stays by my bed and well usually within arm’s reach wherever I am. When I am particularly fired up I also keep a blank notebook nearby so that I can sketch project concepts, vacation dreams, work out problems, doodle, or whatever else needs out of my head in order for my brain to peacefully head off to sleep. Sleep is such a vital key to my health and happiness, and writing offers me a stress/anxiety release so I can fully enjoy my slumber.

4. Think through the logistics
Around these parts I’m known as the logistics girl. From what time we need to leave to make it to a function on time to how to best fill a day on vacation and much more that is one of my specialties. While in part a natural gift, it is one I nurture and practice tremendously often with pages considering questions, making note of possible issues, even just running through various options and approaches to a project or problem. I used to sketch all of my projects and scrapbook pages before making them but over time and doing so many hundreds of those, now most projects I can “see” a sketch/plan in my head. When I have a particularly difficult project or something I haven’t ever made before working out the logistics via sketch is the first thing I do.

5. Better use of my time
Often I can see patterns emerge in my lists, or things like “well there’s a birthday in 2 weeks but I also need to get soap and I noticed we are out of counter cleaner so perhaps Target is a good idea…” and make a batch of needs vs every 3 days discovering whoops! My lack of planning has led to an unstoppable chain of scrambling all the time. The same goes for my crafting assignments and for fun stuff – by pausing and taking time to write, it helps me better create time for, well, creating.

My challenge to you: Write down 1 creative project you’d like to do this month. It could be anything from “finally make that fairy garden” to “catch 2017 up in my project life scrapbook” to “make that canvas I keep thinking about” or anything in between. Perhaps you want to set up a batch of all occasion greeting cards or learn a new craft. No answer is wrong here – just write it down, and then see what you need to do to make it a reality.
Throughout this article you may have noticed the absolutely beautiful pens in my photos. These are all sold by a company called PenGems – and they have become my absolute favorite writing pen. From to-do lists to wild brainstorms to doodles while I am on the phone I adore these beautiful pens. What could be better? They’ve sent me a trio of bright and beautiful pens to share with one of you.

They also shared with me this exclusive discount code:
we created a discount code that you may use on your site, which is CRAFTWITHMAY, the code is for 15% off and does not expire
So if you’re looking for beautiful pens that make writing even the most odious of chores down fun, looking for a unique gift, or just want a bit more sparkle in your life I strongly recommend PenGems. Their pens have been lifting my spirits and helping me set goals and see projects through for about a year now and I am so excited to share this trio of pens (shown here) with one of you.

To be entered for a chance to win leave a comment on this post sharing one creative project you want to dig into – it could be soon or a pipe dream. Nothing too big or small! This give-away will remain open until July 1, 2017. On July 2, 2017 watch for a “winners” post here on my blog where the randomly drawn winner will be listed. For more details about how Camp Scrap works or other ways you can win prizes please see the Camp Scrap FAQ page.
HUGE thank you to PenGems for sponsoring this give-away and supporting Camp Scrap! Theirs was one of the first names I wrote down once I knew I wanted to “make a plan” on Mondays during this event and I am so grateful they supported my vision and are offering everyone a discount code, and one of you lovely readers a chance to win a trio of pens. Good luck – and have a great Monday!