Happy NSD!

National Scrapbook Day is May 1 {aka May Day, aka MY day} this year and I will be home enjoying quiet time. Long story short – we had plans (not craft related) that fell through and I found myself too late to jump into a crop or anything locally so I’ll enjoy time at home. Probably some extra blogging. Definitely some scrapbook time.

I found this layout as I work on organizing and putting more layouts into albums. I have a lot of pages that need homes still – sad, I know. Anyhow, I found this page, it made me smile, and I wanted to share.

Bottom line? My real focus is photo + story + fun of creating a scrapbook. This page was made 3 years ago, but it could have been today- it feels true to me. In going through my layouts and looking at the snippets of my life I’m inspired and encouraged more than ever. It really doesn’t matter if I get every minute detail down. Who cares what brand I choose to use or if my color combo is fancy.

It only matters that I do something.

Happy Crafting –

Are you a future Camp Scrapper?

Today my Summer Big Picture class Camp Scrap opens for registration! You can find all the details here: http://www.bigpicturescrapbooking.com/campscrap.php

I can tell you 2 things now: 1) The idea here is to give you starting points and inspiration. There will not be hard “you must do ___” assignments. SO you really can’t fall behind.  2) This class will NOT be repeated. I’d love to do a similar kind of thing in future – but it’d be something different. If you want in on it (and I hope you do!) you can’t miss this. Now if you have ANY questions or want more information about class please feel free to ask me here or via e-mail (mflaum@comcast.net). I’ll be posting NEW layouts (just for here at my blog) every week featuring companies that are Camp friends (giving stuff away in class!) and talking more about class too. For now, here’s a quick & fun hybrid page I just made-

I printed one of Rhonna Farrer’s spring junque borders on a sheet of kraft (12×12) papers, then added my photos + some fun little Girls’ Paperie details, Kaiser Craft rhinestones, and an American Crafts raised sticker.

I find myself so full of ideas for blogging – looking forward to sharing more with you. Have a great day-

Entertainment: 4/28 edition

Great thing about blogging? I find new suggestions for books, movies, TV, etc… things I either didn’t know about or previously hadn’t considered. Case in point:

Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files book series was suggested to me here on the blog, and I thought “hmm, wizard/supernatural PI of sorts working in modern day Chicago… that’s kinda cool.” Guess what? It was awesome. If you know me at all you’ll know that aside from maybe 2-3 authors, I only read woman authors. Jim is a major exception – I was HOOKED into this novel and finished it *blush* instead of working. I am anxiously now awaiting #2, and I will share my thoughts for sure. I liked the attention to detail, that Harry Dresden isn’t perfect or invincible, and the dark humor and cast of characters. I’m excited for this new-to-me series.

I have a girl crush on Toni Collette. I just ADORE her. In Her Shoes, About A Boy, Muriel’s Wedding, EMMA (a top 10 all time fave)… she’s insanely talented and I’m always awed by her work and skill. So, when season #1 of her award winning Showtime series came out on DVD I rented it. Now – I delayed a while because the idea of a TV show about a woman with DID (aka multiple personalities) did NOTHING for me. I didn’t want to watch some sob story drama or whatever… but I did want to see it because I like her so darn much.

Guess what? I love it. It breaks my heart (the social judgement, the problems with her kids) at the same time it’s warming it and making me laugh. She truly changes into each of the 4 characters (Tara + her 3 ‘alters’) and the supporting cast is great. It is funny at times, but there are some big issues being dealt with too. I give it two thumbs WAY up. Can’t wait for next season…

Finally for today, the much anticipated book The Carrie Diaries. When I first saw this in my Amazon recommends page (which I couldn’t live without!) I squealed then instantly e-mailed Amy & Kelly my Sex & the City (and book) loving girlfriends and squealed some more and couldn’t believe it’d be more than 5 months before the book would be available. How could I wait so long?!

Yeah, the book is out now. (time flies)

I adore Candace Bushnell’s way with words and story telling I had the highest hopes for a good book. I had expected a tale of young Carrie – not just “Carrie’s senior year of high school” – but once I got past my preconceived notions I was in bliss.

How can you be a feminist when you treat other women like dirt? Then you’re just a mean girl… I never told anyone about the incident at all. But it stayed with me like a beating you can push out of your mind but never quite forget.

I’m masquerading as a regular girl, but somewhere inside me there’s a star, waiting for someone to give me a chance.

Just two memorable quotes from an unforgettable book. There is so much pain, so much teen angst that rings true, and yet such a beautiful story of a girl figuring out who she is, who to trust, and what she needs to do to reach her dreams. Each word is carefully placed, and I find myself in awe of the talent and skill it takes to craft such a book. I’m putting this book on my keeper shelf. Despite the drinking & smoking, I think it’s a good read for teens as well as fans of series or YA lit in general.

Got a suggestion? Please do share! My to be read & watched pile is growing, but I’m totally ok with adding more…

Creative Journey: What I’m not.

I continue telling my creative story, and sharing old scrapbook pages too. If you have questions or perhaps chapter suggestions I’d love to hear them…

As I worked on figuring out what “my style” meant, I found  identifying what I was NOT was far easier. I mean – I like both wild shades of pink and bold paint strokes AND delicate lace. Grungy inked and sanded paper edges and rhinestone encrusted projects. Super girly stuff and more rugged looks. Lots of photos and single photos. I felt like a walking contradiction – and it was frustrating.

Some layouts (like the one below) I felt were close – they were pure “May” creations, if just a bit off in execution. So what wasn’t “May”?

The first thing was to realize that I was bad with really graphic papers and designs. Below is a layout (the I and Y have fallen off title, FYI) that is purely magazine copying/trendy attempt. In no way is it me. There is no journaling outside of the date. It’s truly a worthless page. There’s no heart here, and believe that I made note of it (back in ’05) when I was reviewing what I wasn’t.

I also wasn’t great forcing photos I wasn’t inspired to work with at the time. Weird things (like page below) would result.

I was into more creams and browns (not so much black & white for paper choice), and I was NOT good at preventing trapped white space, or planning for my titles. The example below is a page that I felt like almost made it to great – it was so close to the vision in my head – but not quite.

I also didn’t like when I worked with trendy product just because it was the thing to do. Not only did it feel false, but the pages always seemed a bit off to me. As I found more things I didn’t want in my scrapbooking, I also found things I did. The hardest thing for me had to be breaking free of what was expected.

The only person judging me, or critiquing with heavy expectation, was me!

I still don’t have what I consider a “style” in the traditional sense. I had to embrace that I’d never fit into a neat cubby like “linear” or “clean” or “shabby” all the time. Guess what? That is OK! You don’t have to put a label on your style. Just having it, just being intentional and personal in your choices makes it so. ENJOY.

Other things I accepted I wasn’t was good at layering tons of patterned papers, working with striped papers, titles (I still struggle!), warm colors, keeping things super simple, balance, and so much more. In finding what I wasn’t good at I was also discovering what I did NOT want to be. In doing this, I exposed what I did want in general terms, and found myself with goals and things to shoot for.

I wanted pages with more journaling and stories. Pages that looked pleasing to my eye. More fun stuff. Pretty colors. Trendy stuff only when it spoke to and suited ME. I just wanted to be May.

Turns out, it wasn’t too much to ask…

Happy Monday.

Happy Monday all! It’s been a wild ride of a weekend! Birthday parties, baseball games, ballet, 2 year old girls who don’t want to go to sleep… crazy. My productivity has been way down, but I’m back! I’m so excited for this week to begin for a number of reasons, and I’ve got a few bits to share now…

I turned in the last of Camp Scrap to Big Picture – now I just need to sit back and wait for class to start in June. SO excited!! Registration opens later this week – I’ll share more then. Above is a sneaky peek – I felt like the title was appropriate for how I’m feeling right about now.

Somebody (named Elizabeth) had a fabulous dr. appointment today, and we turned in her paperwork to the school so she’s OFICIALLY all ready for Kindergarten in a few months. She’s so ready for it.

Not to be outdone, somebody else in this house has taken 10 steps back (away from) potty training. I know she’ll come around, there are a number of incentives just waiting for her to decide to put on her big girl panties (literally). She’s also taken to not going to sleep until 9pm, and since that is just NOT ok, we’re seeing about getting rid of afternoon nap. Only time will tell with the almighty stubborn one.

I’m working up a creative storm! Now that the wild weekend is over (and my Big Picture work turned in) I am playing with some kits. Above is a peek of one page I’m in the planning process on. Much to be revealed this week – I’m so excited!!!

Have a great Monday-