oh lizzie nichols…

First off, I’m a fan of Meg Cabot. I love the funny details she gets into her stories, and her way of telling them with flair. I know my main character is safe, I know she’ll be ok, and in a world of uncertainty I need that in my everyday reads.

A few years back I picked up queen of babble and loved it. Lizzie Nichols (main character) introduced me to chocolate bars on fresh french bread, and the story was sweet and I’ve re-read it a few times. Now, the second came out (I was surprised to see a second one!) and I HATED IT. Honestly. I get that stories have to have drama and such… but it tore apart the fairytale land that I set up in my head in the first book. Now since I do adore Meg Cabot, and I just (finally) read and loved the boy next door , so faith in Meg restored I decided to give the newest in the queen of babble series a shot. (queen of babble gets hitched)

and I actually liked it. Also, I think my problem with book #2 is that I did NOT know it was set up as a trilogy when I started #1. Had I known that I would have had different expectations. Know what I mean? Honestly I could live without knowing about books #2 and #3, but I do like where she got Lizzie’s world by the end of the book. So we’re good again Meg. Keep on writing, and I’ll keep reading.

I do want to know how Meg Cabot writes so freaking much though. I understand she’s not writing books that are super heavy or needing extensive research, but really. Does she dictate in the car? Have a full staff of assistants? Whatever it is… dang. It inspires me to get off my rear and DO a bit more in general!

So that’s where I’m off to. This girl has some SCARY messes to clean up… and a big picture deadline to meet!

Studio Calico June

Studio Calico is a kit club that until about two months ago I’d never heard of. When I did discover them I began drooling immediately. They are totally awesome, and generous. In fact- they sent me a few kits to give away in my Big Picture kits class going on right now. SO COOL.

I’ve been playing with their kits and having a great time. The colors and combinations are super fun to work with. (wanna see?)

This is all from their June kit.

See that wood-grain background under my title? That’s an exclusive stamp! so fun.

LOVE making the chipboard tree on this one. The brown is brilliance ink sealed with perfect paper adhesive.

just a little thanks with some leftovers. My decision? Studio Calico ROCKS. I can’t wait to share more from other past kits… stay tuned!


what can I say?

it’s been nuts and I haven’t been making time for blogging. Plus the air quality around here? BLECH! It’s overcast and smoky, and that’s wreaking havoc on my eyes nose and throat. ugh. Luckily the girls don’t seem as sensitive to it as I am.

Anyhow- here’s a quick review of random photos I took on my last fisk-a-trip. Jason asked me “so what did you get to see in Minnesota?” and my answer was “a 7 mile radius”. Seriously- I was either working at the scrapbook shop, sleeping, or in transit to more scrappy-goodness. Crazy. So here’s the pics-

1. Mall of America = one big mall. They really didn’t have many stores that I can’t find in San Francisco or Sacramento (locally)… but it would be awful sweet to have as a local mall. It was fun to walk around. Oh- and those people gathered? They were waiting to see a Nickelodeon celeb. (the i-carly girl?)

2. eat at Ike’s. The only sit-down (with waiters) meal I had on this trip was at the airport, and it was GOOD.  I was really super happy with the MN airport. They had chair massages, sit down restaurants, shopping, and even a salon with pedicures (no, I didn’t have time for that). good times.

3. Caribou Coffee. I didn’t try it, because for some reason the sign didn’t scream “drink me!” the way starbucks does. But it must be good- because they’ve got them all over. Now to be fair- they don’t serve foamy green coffee. This is some tea concoction that Cat (fisk-a-teer and cropper) was so kind to pose with. and yes, “what’s IN that caribou coffee” jokes ensued.

4. one heck of a good veggie sandwich. (JJ’s?) It was ‘famous’ sandwiches. I don’t know about that but it was GOOD. and you know I like my good eats.

5. My rental car, aka “the stang”. I rented a compact car. Due to a former issue with the company, they had upgraded me to a mid-size. Lady was talking about nissan senata or something. Then I went out to “C17” and found a BRIGHT orange/yellow (depending on light) mustang. I laughed until tears prickled at my eyes. Seriously? I can’t just get a normal car ever, can I? It is my destiny to have interesting rentals- this was the most interesting yet. I like to blend when I travel, but it was impossible. You couldn’t miss my car. nope. I even had people trying to drag me at stoplights. Really? that still happens? (sigh)

I just kept my shades on and a smile on my face. If nothing else, this was just another fabulous detail of a truly positive trip.

and that’s all she wrote folks. I’m off to get good sleep. If you’ve read through this far and my very random photos and thoughts… thanks. 🙂 My scrap-related ramblings on this trip can be found over at http://fiskateers.com/blog/2008/06/22/pics-from-st-paul/ 

it's my (pink) world…

and y’all are just living in it.


See, I’m in the middle of creating my next big picture class- and I *LOVE* how it’s coming out. Except one thing. I have to keep removing pink layouts and/or adding “non-pink” layouts instead. Why? Because I know that not everyone agrees with me and Elle Woods that pink is awesome. And because really my handouts should be balanced and have layouts using a variety of colors. Not just pink. or blue with pink. or aqua with pink. or green with pink. or.. I think you get my drift.

So I’m off to craft some brown/green/blue/red stuff. (not necessarily combined) Since I’m still way swamped and not caught up I haven’t even uploaded pics to share yet. I’ll be back soon as I can. I will have real stories and prizes too…

{ps- it’s probably a good thing that I have two girls… because this pink addiction? They’re involved too.}

it’s my (pink) world…

and y’all are just living in it.


See, I’m in the middle of creating my next big picture class- and I *LOVE* how it’s coming out. Except one thing. I have to keep removing pink layouts and/or adding “non-pink” layouts instead. Why? Because I know that not everyone agrees with me and Elle Woods that pink is awesome. And because really my handouts should be balanced and have layouts using a variety of colors. Not just pink. or blue with pink. or aqua with pink. or green with pink. or.. I think you get my drift.

So I’m off to craft some brown/green/blue/red stuff. (not necessarily combined) Since I’m still way swamped and not caught up I haven’t even uploaded pics to share yet. I’ll be back soon as I can. I will have real stories and prizes too…

{ps- it’s probably a good thing that I have two girls… because this pink addiction? They’re involved too.}