In case you’re not familiar with CHA, you may be hearing a lot about it from me and other craft bloggers. Twice a year the Craft & Hobby Association (CHA) has a trade show and the manufacturers gather to show off and reveal all their latest and greatest products. Store owners and buyers for big chain stores place orders (that’s the main part of it!), the press (yours truly included) attends to find the hot new products, teachers and designers attend for craft-spiration, and so much more. It’s a huge event for the crafting industry – and oh boy is it a lot of work! Anyhow, that begins today – and to kick things off I am sharing a card I made for the show.
Here is a card I created featuring new Tim Holtz “Ringmaster” Blueprint stamps – which are a new CHA 2013 release and are now available in stores including Simon Says Stamp here!
I’m at CHA now, and I’ve got my camera out and I am ready to snap tons of photos of the latest and greatest products – as well as see many of my favorite people in the same room. I love it! I will be posting lots of coverage over the next ten days or so of the new products, great project samples, and behind the scenes peeks too. If you’d like to follow my live candid reporting from the show floor be sure to follow my instagram page. Gotta love technology!