Creative play without judgment

The #1 best thing I can do for myself? Just creative play. Don’t think end game. Don’t ponder ‘good enough’ or ‘worthy’. Just play because I can and because it is fun.


Whether this means a coloring book or inking a stamp in a new way, playing with some gold leaf just because or making notes in my art journal – it’s all good. I think it’s important to share with you that I do this 5 days a week at least.

Sometimes for hours. Sometimes mere moments. Sometimes when I have deadlines and really shouldn’t.


It’s worthwhile though, you see… because in that creative freedom place where there are no rules or judgment is where all of my finest ideas come from! I share this with you because in one such session I dreamed up a place of creative play. Exercises. techniques. No “projects finished” or “goal” other than having fun.

and I turned it into a class.


Info can be found here, and registration is now open for the discounted pre-registration price. The classroom is open with some getting started videos too!

Whether you join in class or just create for fun – I hope you give yourself some time to be a creative explorer today…


5 thoughts on “Creative play without judgment”

  1. I”m so looking forward to this one – just playing!
    If anyone is sitting on the fence and hasn’t done any of May’s classes before … I suggest you take this one! She is an amazing teacher and her style and videos are top notch – she’s not afraid to show where she has made a mistake so we can all learn. And she is so talented and clever, coming up with out of the box ideas, that you’ll be amazed!

  2. This is my kind of class so I just signed up.I think it would be fun to use the #8 tags you showed in the first video for the class. How many do you think we would need to have on hand? I bought a pack because I decided to try making my versions of Tim’s monthly tags this year so I’d have to pick up another pack. Or would two packs be a better idea?

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