The summer flew by in a whirlwind of trips, family time, Elizabeth winning a championship in horseback riding (!), oh yes and Bandit needing emergency (most definitely life saving) surgery… but he’s all healed up and better now. So now it’s fall – what’s going on here?

I have been revamping my content schedule. To make a long story short, I’ve been trying to figure out how to share more with you, how to keep things organized, and how not to bomb with one type of project at a time. While at the same time how to be happy myself and make time for the projects I am most passionate about.
You see I tend to create in batches. 6-12 scrapbook pages, then I’m all embroidery, then maybe cross stitch for a while, scoot over to painting, then on to card making, then… well you get the point. This style of creating works well for me in general, but then I go to share and well it gets funky because it’s all of one thing that you may not see me do for another 3 months! So quietly behind the scenes I’ve been letting myself do my thing, and now I’m setting up a schedule I hope you’ll enjoy.
Here on my blog I am thinking that about once a month I will post a round-up to the YouTube, Facebook live, and other videos that I have shared but not blogged. The blog content in general will be more article/needs typing vs video content from now on, and about 1-2 times a week.

Above you can see some of the things I created this week. Fun stuff!
I really love sharing my ideas and also how-to create similar projects with you, and hopefully inspiring to create some of your own fun stuff! I’d love to hear from you any requests, questions, or what you’d like to see any time at all. I am really excited to be jumping back into more creative time and I hope you like what I’ve got to share- it’s such a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful creative community.