Big Picture & Heidi Swapp asked if I might want to give away a seat in her new class to one of my blog readers – of course I would be happy to! Read on…

The Art of Observation is an all new class in Big Picture’s “4 Expert” series and is taught by Heidi Swapp. Class begins April 5th and runs for 12 weeks.

Some class info:
We have all heard about the unexamined life and its worth… when Socrates taught his students to challenge the norm and question the world, the outcome was his death – a high price to pay! Are you ready to challenge your norm and look at your life in a new and exciting way?
Questions are the creative acts of intelligence. It is through asking questions and figuring out the answers along the way that we learn to value and cherish the life that we live. Novelist Thomas Berger said, “The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.”
Asking questions and making observations in our life and in the world around us will help us to appreciate the beauty and wonder that is our everyday. Life is CRAZY! It’s busy and full, and complicated and dramatic! It’s up and down; there are beautiful triumphant moments, and heartbreaking disappointments—somehow, all combined, they equal something wonderful and worth remembering.
Register and the read rest of the class description here.
If you would like the chance to win a seat in this class, please leave a comment here. I will announce a winner (using to select the #) here on next Monday (March 25) , and I will share a new project + video with Heidi’s new Color Magic papers (now in stock @!) then as well. Good luck!