2010 in Hardback

1 year ago, after giving away a stack of hardback books I made myself a promise. I’d only buy books hardcover if they were ‘can’t live without for another minute’, and I had a maximum of six for the year. In 2009 I bought the two Janet Evanovich Plum Novels (Wish I had waited for paperback, sigh); Sophia Kinsella’s 20’s girl (AWESOME), Dan Brown’s Lost Symbol (FANTASTIC), and that’s it. It was good for my budget, and in 2010 there are a number of books that will be released paperback (and much more budget-friendly) that are on my wish list. That’s exciting, but what’s even more cool is the hardbacks I see coming in the next few months…

I found this today – it’s labeled as young adult, but I think all us SATC fans will love it regardless of age.

This writing duo wrote Agnes & The Hitman (one of my fave re-reads) – so it’s most likely a MUST on my purchase list.

Marian Keyes is a favorite – and while I put her last book on my ‘wait for paperback’ I’m not sure I’ll do the same this time.

So there are three books coming in 2010 that I’m watching. I’m still holding myself to the ‘no more than 6 hardbacks’ rule – that really helped me be more selective and careful in my pics. What are you watching for? TV? Movies? {Books always come first for stories/entertainment in my room.}