Or as I’m calling them: gnomes and leprechauns! You’ll see why in a minute – as these are the stars of my favorite things from these booths.
First: Pebbles

“Home Grown” is full of florals sure, but primary colors, gnomes, and mushrooms too! I just loved this one. So cute.

As always, Pebbles had a great booth and samples too.

Oh and a “DIY” type crafty but self contained photo garland kit too. I’m really loving the idea of a single product/kit being gifted to a “I’m not crafty” person who can test out our love of all things paper.

Another line – “Happy Day” reminded me a bit of the garden and other lines from last year. Cute… but I’ll probably pass. Note the instagram type camera and coffee cups – both very hot images to use this show.

Then I headed over to Doodlebug not expecting what I found, what made the skies open and angels sing…

mini. doilies. Look at the scale and look at my hand there. These are SMALL. I’m in love. I want all the colors. Well ok, I do not want brown or black but I want all the others. Speaking of yum – check out the rainbow of glittery enamel goodness…

What could be at the end of that rainbow? Why the cutest St. Patrick’s Day line of all time! I adore this – and I love seeing this holiday in a paper line.

Just a few shamrocks and some cute stickers and I’m off…

So both leprechauns and gnomes represented on the show floor – who’d have thought?