tales of Hershey…

As I sort, delete, and re-size some of the photos for blogging purposes all kinds of details and stories come back to me. For example- what’s up with this? Why are there cherries in the title? Is it Bru-cherries-ster’s? I don’t understand. I want the cherries moved to the end or beginning. For whatever reason- this sign just really got under my skin and sadly I had to see a few of these.

Moving on to sweeter things- our few hours in Hershey. So many people said “you have to check the streetlights!” and yeah, they’re cute. little chocolate kisses. I’m sure some of you wanted to see that…

and the fire department. Long story short: On a road trip when Jason and I were first dating we took pics of him with fire engines/firefighters in every state we went through. Now? It’s kind of become a habit to take pics of fire engines when I’m anywhere. Just because. (disclaimer in case my husband or those who are fire-knowledgeable are reading- YES, I realize that is just a trailer and not a ‘real’ fire engine. But it’s what I saw. sheesh.)

The cool thing about the town is that the factory, theme park, etc… it’s all right there in the middle. As it should be, I think!


The hotel (pictured below) looked mighty grand too. Worth the $350 for one night on a random Wednesday night in April? I’m thinking not. I was so happy with the place in northern PA that we stayed at (for less than 1/3 the price!) there’s no way I could have justified that expense to myself. Still- looked grand and luxurious all the same. They had gardens up there I would have liked to see- but ran out of time.

We only drove around for about 10minutes- but really did seem like a nice little town. I did not smell the chocolate in the air like some claimed I would. Still… a cute place to visit. I will say this- their website was a total nightmare to navigate. I couldn’t get a real ‘feel’ for what I was going into, how big, how long, what was offered… I just couldn’t wrap my head around what I needed to see and do. Or if I’d have to pay to park, or if I could walk anywhere, etc… no, the Hershey, PA website (for Hershey visitor stuff) is not good.

Luckily my instincts told me that what Elizabeth and I really wanted was “chocolate world”, a place devoted to all things Hershey chocolate with a little ‘tour’ and shopping and eating. Good thing I was right. That was just the place for us quickie visitors.  I don’t want this post to get much longer! so many pics! So, I’ll share all about that (and a prize!) tomorrow…

it’s beautiful, now let’s go

Gettysburg, PA:


As I drive through town I think to myself “cool looking OLD town, but I was hoping for some pretty nature. Like fields and flowers and such”… then we came around a corner and BAM!

After about 30 seconds of my “oohing” and photo taking a sassy little voice said “it’s beautiful mommy, yes. But chocolate town (Hershey) is waiting for me, and I want to go. Take your picture so we can GOOOOOO!”

Thanks to the rental car for acting as a photographer. (ok, so I set the self timer!)

just one more… and… and… ok. Officially there are 2 things. 1) I love gettysburg and want to go back to spend at least a whole day taking scenic photos, learning more history, etc.  and 2) officially have become an old lady in manner of my mother or grandmother. Crooning to children about beauty and nature and such. Oh well. It was bound to happen…

blog prize winners, more prizes, and more photos to come…

it's beautiful, now let's go

Gettysburg, PA:


As I drive through town I think to myself “cool looking OLD town, but I was hoping for some pretty nature. Like fields and flowers and such”… then we came around a corner and BAM!

After about 30 seconds of my “oohing” and photo taking a sassy little voice said “it’s beautiful mommy, yes. But chocolate town (Hershey) is waiting for me, and I want to go. Take your picture so we can GOOOOOO!”

Thanks to the rental car for acting as a photographer. (ok, so I set the self timer!)

just one more… and… and… ok. Officially there are 2 things. 1) I love gettysburg and want to go back to spend at least a whole day taking scenic photos, learning more history, etc.  and 2) officially have become an old lady in manner of my mother or grandmother. Crooning to children about beauty and nature and such. Oh well. It was bound to happen…

blog prize winners, more prizes, and more photos to come…

so sweet.

Hey all- I promise to share funny stories and photos and moments from my recent road trip… but I’ve got a pile of work I *must* attend to first. So… while I’m sneaking in a break here real quick, here’s a layout I made while out of state + a RAK…

Product used- Pink Paislee paper, Prism cardstock, fancy pants transparency, prima rhinestone swirls, and heidi grace alphas. Now, onto other cute things: these cute little stamps totally stole my heart- and are way fun to use. I bought an extra just to RAK here! If you’d like them + the pink alpha stickers I used on the layout above… well just leave a comment here! I’ll e-mail the winner on Thursday morning.

Oh cupcake stamps, how I love you!