There are a lot of things “they” say.
It doesn’t matter where you start as long as you take the first step.
It’s a process.
Do your best.
There are dozens if not hundreds of vague and mildly motivating sayings. Some I actually like. But I have a problem. HOW am I turning these vague ideas and concepts into results?
Now I’ve posted before about my current-ish planner setup (here’s a link), but things as always are changing. I have not missed one deadline or appointment since setting things up as they are now. That’s a win. It’s real easy for me to answer the question “are you available….” because the one book has everyone’s appointments and schedules in it, and is easy for me to use.
I’ve also come to really like my business planner though I am using it to about 50% of where I should be and could be.
But. Not to sound greedy… I want *MORE*. I want to figure out how to get myself exercising every day and not talking myself out of it half the time. I want to get myself ahead of deadlines and I want a better overall workflow to my day. I’m writing this post days before it will go live which is good. It’s a small step. But I want so many more steps and I have one burning question:
How do I take ideas & plans and make them actually happen?
The simple answer is of course to “just do it”… but the reality of everyday life isn’t always so simple. How do we motivate ourselves without a team of professionals shadowing and optimizing us taking the guess work out of it each day? I’m talking about life in general here, but also about crafting in particular. I have 10 minutes a day to give to my scrapbooks (another story – coming soonish!), and I need to get more of my ideas out of my notebooks and into reality.
I don’t have an answer… yet.
As of today I’m starting a challenge. I’m going to look for expert advise and try it their way for just ONE week applied overall to my life and see what things stick and what things won’t work at all. What helps and what hurts. A grand life-wide experiment.
Life is short, and each day does matter, so I truly want to make the most of it and I want to share with you things that work. If you’ve got people who are great at organizing or life in general or have your own ideas to add – let me know. The weekly recap will be done via YouTube in a ‘live from the studio’ video series, and once every few weeks I’ll recap ideas here that work.
Because what is the point of learning if we don’t share the success with our friends?!
Have a great week.