Inspired Barn: A class with Cathe Holden


One of my big goals for 2015 was to say yes to little creative happenings and classes when able. Last weekend I was able to go play at Cathe Holden’s incredible Inspired Barn. Check her out (and her workshops) if you live in Northern California here!


Our project was making a mason jar luminary cloche. Such fun!


Speaking of fun – looking around this space? My mind was blown! I’ve never seen anything like it.  ch4 copy

The artful mix of vintage storage and goods with supplies being readily accessible and visible? Amazing. The detail extended to the class kits too – how welcoming!


Having a bottle of water and little goodies ready for me? Lovely! But every time I looked up I got distracted by something I was seeing, and I was so inspired! I mean really – this place!


Here’s a photo looking back towards the entrance… never wanted to leave this space!


I have so many ideas brewing – I had to come home and write them down! Also inspired? The lovely ladies who shared a table with me.


I was so glad my friend Wanda could come – and she thought to invite and come with the lovely Brenda Walton. Spending time with them was a blast – I have a feeling they would be fun to hang out with ANYWHERE! I had such a good time playing alongside these wonderful and talented ladies. Two thumbs way up to Cathe for not just cultivating such an inspiring space, but also for teaching such a great workshop! She balanced the learning with the space to explore/think so very well.


As promised, she really delivered a space where creativity was nurtured and supported. All the ladies in this class created unique things and I look forward to making more of these, and also playing more with home décor in general. What a lovely way to spend a morning – I am sure I’ll be back!

9 thoughts on “Inspired Barn: A class with Cathe Holden”

  1. Beautiful space. I thought looking at the pictures that would be a perfect space for you, May. And your project is beautiful. Love to hear about the classes you take. Thanks for sharing. Michelle t

  2. So jealous, wish I had some place a round here like that and crafty friends to hang out with. Sounds like a wonderful time, hope you get to go often. : )

  3. I’m just loving the warmth and comfort of the room. It takes the pressure off.

  4. May, I had to come back and write another comment, I was just at Wanda’s blog ( I only follow a few people) her being one of them, how weird, huh? anyways, I got to see some more pic’s of that fun day and I saw a few things we have here in our house. WE love vintage, we have almost that exact big clock she had on the wall over our bed, the mannequin, we have 4 of them. It was great you got to celebrate her awesome “new Life” she will be starting soon, I guess that is a good way to put it. How excited, thrilling, amazing and I’m sure a little nervous that must be. But wow, what a ” freeing ” feeling that must be, good for her !!!

  5. What fun!! Lucky you to be able to go to such a unique place and have a great time with these lovely ladies. Thanks for sharing

  6. Aw May! What a wonderful feature of our lovely day together. Thank you for sharing my studio with your readers. I adored meeting you and can’t wait to get together with you and the other incredibly creative girls soon. XOXO Cathe

  7. Wow, wow, wow – what an amazing looking shop! And I love how they had coffee cups at each station too!

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