Still a long way to go before things get purdy. I’m in the toss/donate/keep stage (sorting) so I can figure out what, if any new storage is needed. For now here are some pretty glimpses of the work table…
my mom gave me the singer tin for Christmas. I’ve got all the thread and stuff in there. LOVE IT.
that alba pineapple quench lip gloss is BEST EVAH! I’m a lip gloss fiend… but that’s my favorite and I have plenty thanks to my darling friend (who is able to get it for me!) Also- you’ll see I’m keeping a few colors of glitter in dishes. I’ll explain that another day.
Back to the blah part of sorting, hope to be making pretty with my space soon!
Its lookin good – Im loving the singer sewing tin !!!!
I like those dishes of glitter!
I’ve been working on my soon-to-be scrap space, too. I am getting the better part of our 2nd garage to make a little workspace…I can’t wait!!!
looks good so far! :]
Its looking great, I love the little dishes of glitter, the jellybeans and the lipgloss – all set.
I’m really impressed you leave glitter out in any sort of open container at all! I keep mine in a sealed bottle, in it’s own storage bin and still have glitter everywhere! Plus with twins who are nearly 3, the idea of an open container makes me shudder—it wouldn’t stay pretty long!
My husband didn’t quite understand why a crafting room had to look so pretty but I explained that it puts me in the mood and makes me want to spend time in there…………yours is looking good!
I love the Singer Tin!! I got the small Brother sewing machine for Christmas (Walmart $59 day after Thanksgiving). Thought since I didn’t know how to sew BUT want to try and will use it for scrapbooking that it was good to start with. Now to get it out the box….lol
The space is looking good…of course now I’m craving jelly beans LOl!
I saw the glitter and was about to ask a question when you mention that you will get to that later. It’s funny how I have conversations with myself sometimes. Looking good so far. That table is perfect for a sewing machine. I want a space like that one day. It’s going to be one of those things I will have to wait for.
I too am rather impressed that you have glitter out in the open May! Like Emily above I also have almost 3 year old twins and I shudder to think of what they could do with open glitter. Oh what a mess that would be.
Great space. Doesnt it feel so good to purge and organize. I love doing that. I will look forward to seeing the completed room.
oh, to have a craft space that I would feel comfortable leaving open containers of glitter..*sigh* someday.