JBS April project kit & more!

I will be doing another Jenni Bowlin post here in about a week with projects, ideas, etc, but honestly April 1?! How did this happen?? I lost a few days there – got ‘lucky’ and was hit with another nasty cold it seems. Anyhow!

1. Winner of Ruby Rock-It prize: Cathy P

2. Simon Says Stamp and show: an anything goes challenge!! [I will post my entry later this week]

3. I’ve designed the project kit this month at www.jbsmercantile.com – and it is a fun one!!

A look at the kit contents:

If interested, you can purchase the kit solo, or you can get a subscription. I love that you can get it either way and no commitments necessary.


I was inspired by afternoon tea, but of course with these products in the kit you could do any number of subjects!! I personally think it’d make a great brag book as a Mother’s Day present – but the options are endless! SO much brand new fun stuff and personal favorites. It was such an honor and joy to design the kit and project!



To make my book I had so much fun just playing with each page, adding in ink or paint as needed, but just playing with all those bits and pieces in the kit. I love the texture the doilies and trims add to this – I can’t thank my friends at JBS Mercantile for thinking of me and asking me to make a project kit for them! Seriously so much fun!!

If you’ve got questions I am happy to answer via comment or email. Otherwise I’ll leave you to happy crafting – while I go try some stronger cold meds and hope I feel better soon!

JBS video

It is no secret that I adore the Jenni Bowlin paint dabbers – in fact my love must be very apparent because they asked me to make a video showing how I like to use them. It’s featured in the JBS Mercantile gazette (click here to read)

I make two layouts in the video featuring both new and old JBS product – and I had such fun with it I’m glad they asked me to contribute.  [link to the youtube video]

A big thank you to www.jbsmercantile.com for inviting me to contribute – I had such fun wiht these dabbers (oh, those dabbers….) and I hope you like seeing what I did with mine. With spring coming Jenni’s colorful palette is perfect for all kinds of scrapbooking, and her products are in stores now!

In fact… I spy a ton of JBS goodness over at bluemoonscrapbooking.com