Love Sucks

I got my first YA book from Harper Collins last week to review, and I actually double checked to make sure they meant me. Then I smacked myself on the head because despite my insistence that I’m NOT a vampire/paranormal stuff fan, I kind of am. Um, hello True Blood, Buffy, Sookie novels, Dakota Cassidy books, JR Ward series, assorted other reads too?! Ok. So I’m a fan but I’m super picky. So I took a lot at this book with the funny title but cool cover look and raised an eyebrow. Would I love it? Hate it? feel somewhere in between about it? I would never pick it up in a store (I don’t usually browse YA, I seek out specific titles) so I wasn’t sure…

Love Sucks! by Melissa Francis

This is the 2nd book in a series (I have not read the first- “Bite Me”) but I didn’t feel like I missed enough for it to have affected my enjoyment. AJ Ashe is a vampire teen/our heroine. She’s got to save the world from her dad & his bad vampire peeps who are out to do bad. Also she’s got to protect her pregnant mom and her step-dad & wizard step-brothers. In this world aside from the super strength and healing and such, it seems vampires can roam day or night, eat regular food, hang out with humans, go to school, etc. She’s also kind of in love with her ex-boyfriend who is now her step-brother. I liked the unconventional family and I would have liked to see more of those characters, as well as more period. At just 285 pages of story (and not small font either) – I felt like this would have benefitted from a longer format.

It’s a quick read, and definitely entertaining but it had a number of problems. I felt like I was listening to a teen girl, that’s for sure… but it disappointed me that she made some poor choices and seemed to get away with it time and time again. Despite thinking she was ‘helping’ it seemed like most of the time her own feelings were all she was considering. Um, if you endanger entire world to save your mom guess what? There won’t be a world for her to live in so it doesn’t matter. DUH! I just wished she had thought a bit more and/or the author had shown us some real thought process vs rash decision-making I couldn’t get behind.

Do I recommend it? Yes and no. I think that the reader who just loves a good light YA read + vampires would enjoy this. It’s very light on the gore front and more warm & fuzzy than the traditional gore/demon/bad guy fare that is more traditional when it comes to all things vampire. I thought it was an interesting take to have her be essentially a “normal” teen too. I could see some teen girls I know really enjoying this one, but I’d get them “Bite Me”, the first book in the series too. I wouldn’t get this for the teen girl who’s into serious and/or more dark reading… this is more a bit of cotton candy in the vamp genre. There is some making out and swearing, in other words it’s about what I’d expect for a book of this genre.

Now, by the time I wrote this review I had to go look up the main character’s name because I’d forgotten in the few days since I’d read it. In other words, for me it’s not a book that will stick with me or be remembered vividly. If you walked up to me and said “Hey May – what did you think of Love Sucks?” my response would be a shrug and “it’s ok I guess” or something similar. I just can’t love a book that doesn’t have any characters I really like, or that I love to hate. Likewise one with big gaps in logic and explanation won’t work for me generally either (unless I’m so in love with characters I don’t care)

So that’s exactly what it is – just ok. link

Great books. 7/21/2010 edition.

A good book post has been long in the making, I’m just finally sitting down to write it.

“Ignore the fact that the dude is a gymnast. That doesn’t matter” – that was the advice given to me by the kick ass woman who sent me this gift of a book called The Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. “This book is a gift” she said – and she meant it in every sense of the word. I didn’t so much care about the author’s story (in a way it’s his coming of age story), what I really was drawn to was the little nuggets of magic wisdom that “Soc” (the cool old dude) shared throughout the book. Sometimes even now, weeks after finishing I think about some of the things. Some things have very gently altered my habits in good ways too. Check it out.

On the total OPPOSITE end of the literary spectrum, above are three books I totally enjoyed reading recently. (Having fever + being trapped on couch for 3 days does allow for some killer reading time!) Home is where the Bark is by Kandy Shepherd is her second book – it’s got a bit of mystery, romance, and loads of dogs. I’m such a sucker for fiction with dogs and happily ever afters. Some of the characters from her first book are here- but you do NOT have to have read it to enjoy this one. It’s able to stand alone. Then there is Christie Craig’s Shut Up and Kiss Me. I dare say it was hilarious, fast paced, had a bit of mystery, and left me wanting sequels for all the supporting characters. I don’t blindly recommend it though – I’d say you should check out the author’s website & see if her writing would delight you or annoy you greatly. I suspect some people would definitely NOT enjoy her. But I did. Not only that but I e-mailed her to say “loved the book” and she wrote back right away. (more than just auto reply too). Color me impressed. Last but not least I gave in and read a Nalini Singh book (Slave to Sensation) – her first in a series in a futuristic world where emotion-less “psy”, shape shifters, and humans live separately but within the same world. I avoided this author due to insanely BAD AND CHEESY cover art combined with titles and fonts that made me want to gag. My bad. I was soooo totally sucked into the drama, romance, and intense world she created here. I will continue the series and let you know if I still like it.

True story: Once upon a time I was working with a Fiskars craft drill and accidently speared my copy of Bridget Jones Diary several times before I realized what I had done. So I’ve not had a read-able copy in about 4 years. SO! Color me happy when I found this copy with funky cover art. It reminds me of Tattoo parlor art, not Bridget, but that’s ok. What is inside is pure awesome. Why won’t Helen Fielding write more books?! Seriously.

What’s next? I see a memoir, some mystery, a bit of magical suspense, and a contemporary romance too… what’s next on your reading list?


I haven’t been reading all that much… well by my standards. I got an e-mail from a blog reader asking “so whatcha reading?!” and I honestly couldn’t answer. I’ve no idea what will be next. I think it’ll be one of these:

I was thinking about starting a new book and these were my finalists. See… I’m big on pulling out a few books and then deciding. Also? This one time I did NOT HAVE A  BOOK TO READ… and it traumatized me. So now I have several TBR (to be read) piles. 1) my little bookshelf that holds ‘haven’t read yet’ books and 2) my goodreads ‘to read’ that holds many want to read/find/own books waiting on availability or budget. ANYHOW.

Then I got asked “what would you suggest for summer reading?”

To which I answer – well what is it you want?! There are a few favorites I pulled out from my bedside table shelf pictured above. It’s only a few, because dears my suggested booklist is… long. Also it depends on who I’m suggesting for.

Then I got sad that I’ve not read a great book in a while… cuz I’ve not been reading. So I decided to step away from the computer and get some work done so that I could afford some reading time.

What are YOU reading? What do you suggest?

I pity the fool who doesn’t love movies.

I have a love/hate relationship with movies. Sometimes? Well, I feel like there’s nothing good anymore and why bother. But then I’ll hit a good movie, just one, and it reminds me why I love them so much. Two hours or so of a good story and visual entertainment is a great thing. I don’t like excessive drama (Dear, John is a film I have ZERO interest in) nor do I like horror movies. But if you live in action, comedy, or romance land… well that’s where most of my faves live. {funny, but I feel the same about fiction books!}

So imagine my delight that I’ve found THREE treasures, just this week.

Above you can see our newspaper, and the movie Jason was surprised I’d picked out to watch. Yes, today the headliner is the A-Team. I went and saw it with my friend today- she’s also a fan of fun action flicks. We went in with high hopes, and they were exceeded. We both loved this entire movie. It was FUNNY – it made fun of itself, as well as had great characters and lines. It was fast paced (no insanely drawn out fight scenes here!). It was everything we adore about good action movies. Two thumbs way, way, up. I was 100% entertained and delighted. My friend and I are hoping for a sequel.

Side note? I will SO be trying to recreate some of the cool grungy looks they had in some of the still-shots at beginning and end of movie with some digi-scrapbook stuff.

I heard the girl from Veronica Mars (great show) had a leading lady role in romantic comedy, so I added to netflix. MONTHS later, and it’s out now. When in Rome is a cute story about a work-a-holic girl who goes to Rome for her sister’s wedding and ends up getting some magical stuff happening because she steals coins from a love fountain. believable? NO. Cute & fun anyway? oh yes.

My favorite thing was the four unsuitable suitors who follow her around and act crazy. That was worth a watch on it’s own, but still overall I’d rate it a “solid romantic comedy, but not a ‘gotta buy'”

Finally, Valentine’s Day. I was hoping it’d be cool in a He’s just not that into you or Love, Actually kind of way. SO many stars and little story lines in here… it was lovely. Seriously enjoyed it and the unpredictable ways some of the stories turned and connected to one another. A very happy “one day” story, I’m glad I watched it.

Three movie scores in a row? DANG! I’m almost afraid to check anything else out now, for fear of getting a junky movie. Good thing True Blood becomes available on Netflix next week so I can catch up on season 2!!

Entertaining May: 6/5 edition

I’ve been so busy blogging about so much stuff – I haven’t done an entertainment post in a few weeks! Here’s what’s new and hopping in my world:


10 things I love about you by Julia Quinn gave me the post-reading good book bliss that I look for in a truly great happily ever after tale. I only read maybe 10 historical fiction books a year, and Julia Quinn is one of the few authors who can seduce me (hee hee) into reading her regency era stuff. It had it all – super creepy bad guy, hero with big secret, likeable heroine, cameos by characters from previous books… I loved it. sooo much. I have so little to say about it because I just LOVED every bit. I know one of my favorite people/bookworm friends Doris Sander loved it too – so consider it double recommended if you like a lovely romance tale.

Web of Lies by Jennifer Estep is book #2 in her series about Gin Blanco, an assassin who is pure awesome. What I love about this dark & gritty series is that while you’d think that an emotionally tormented, hard killing machine of a heroine would be too cold, too much yuck factor to relate to, she’s not. The author weaves in bits and pieces about her loyalty, love of cooking, and other little bits and pieces that make me absolutely love this character + series. Oh, and FYI – Jennifer Estep gets a big thumbs up from me on a personal level for responding to reader fan mail (yeah, from me) quickly, and with WAY more than just “hi, thanks for buying”. Made me feel great about taking the time to write her about my love of her books (hello, Karma Girl still an all time fave!!) and all.

Key Lime Pie Murder: I’m done with the Hannah Swensen series. This was my 5th or 6th book (I went out of order accidentally it seems) but this is the NINTH book in the series and Hannah continues to toy with two men who are in love with her (since book #2 at least!) and both are proposal serious about her, and know about the other man, and somehow are kind of ok with this?! I just call B.S. and no way am buying it. I’ve heard that even in book #13 she remains in limbo. I have lost major respect for her heroine for this crap so – I’m out. The fact that the murder/mystery part was lame + boring on this didn’t help matters. BUT – let me just say the recipes in all her books ROCK. Will be keeping them and using recipes for years I’m sure.

One Dance with a Duke by Tessa Dare is the 1st of 3 books she’s coming out with this summer, and I did enjoy my reading time with this first offering. I couldn’t help but like the horse loving hero! (The heroine… eh. wasn’t so crazy about her) I adore Tessa Dare’s writing + she’s super nice on-line too. I LOVE authors who will chat/respond to you when you talk at them via twitter or email. I think that the rest of the series will determine my overall feelings from good to potentially great, as there are a number of unresolved plot lines involving murder and the horse the three men are part owners in… we shall see. Tessa is one of 4 currently writing authors that can get me to pick up a “ye olde times” (as I like to call them) novel and love it. So I’m excited to get more summer reading time with her again later this month.

Finally I watched Leap Year the other night, and Amy Adams (as always) drew me in and held me captivated and entertained. That said, soon as I turned off the television I thought to myself “well, that was a really dumb movie.” The plot is that she goes to Ireland to propose to her boyfriend (who’s not proposing to her) and on way finds travel trouble and potentially a new (awesome) country Irish dude. THAT IS IT. *sigh* SO tired of trying to watch romance/romcom movies now a days. Seems like there’s zero plot or they try to cram the “happily ever after” into too convenient a plot. Is it just me or are movies in general getting WORSE in recent years with the good ones being more & more rare?

It’s back to books for me… I’ve got a to-be-read pile waiting for deadline madness to pass me by, including one book I keep peeking at that was a birthday gift… and another that was a gift to myself…

As always – suggestions, recommendations, and comments encouraged!

PS- HOW do I find time to read? Well, I get 45min-1hr most every day at gym doing cardio, and I sneak a chapter in here & there as a special treat here at home. You’d be amazed where and when you can find a bit of time to read if you want to…