I am working on some exciting new scheduling and content for you – so I’m taking a “blog break” briefly to get that into place as well as take a few much needed break days. I don’t normally post this kind of notice, but I figure some might need the reminder to take a break now and then! It can seem like the lists to-do are never ending sometimes for sure… but recharging is vital.

I’ve been slammed with projects and it is definitely time to take a few days, chill a bit, and then get back into it. I’ve LOVED the big (mostly secret!) projects that have kept me so occupied, and I’m excited to share what will be coming next. For now – it’s time to clean up the studio… but first a little chill time.
Got requests or things you’d like to see? Leave me a comment and let me know!
enjoy your well earned break … and can’t wait to hear about your projects when you are refreshed!
Enjoy! Breathe! Relax! have Fun!