I was asked to create a swatch sample with the new ScanNCutDX which I thought immediately was a super fun challenge – I’m in! When I got the list of suggested materials, many of which I’d never tried I thought oh my goodness this is going to be fun – and with some I thought no way. It can’t!
Disclaimer: The usual disclaimer here that I am a paid consultant for Brother. All ideas & opinions expressed by me are always my own – this is a great machine and company I’m thrilled to work with!

What you need to know about cutting with a ScanNCutDX:
- The machine can cut up to 3mm many materials
- Use the appropriate mat, or if working with something really crazy consider adding a bit of painter’s tape for security and work on an old mat
- The machine has an auto-blade which means that you don’t need to guess what to set it at – it will do it for you!
- The machine may require more than one pass to cut a material. Don’t worry! It’ll figure it out and keep going until done.
- Not sure a new material? Start with a small simple design such as a square or circle and see how it does before you get wild!
Basically? The ScanNCutDX has made my adventures into new materials completely pain free! Here is a quick little YouTube video where I show cutting a plastic table cloth material as well as some thermoplastic hardcore cosplay sheet material!

So what all can the ScanNCut DX handle?
I don’t actually know! I say I do not know because I keep adding materials and trying new to me stuff – and most of it works! As long as it is cut-able and not too thick to enter the machine my success rate is tremendous. I’ve even cut some plastic dragon scale material for cosplay that I was sure would get stuck. Nope! Below is a listing of the types of materials I’ve cut so far this week:
Plastic thick or thin table cloth, vinyl, thermoplastic sheeting, leather, untreated leather, ultra suede, felt, foam, PVC foam, chipboard, illustration board, paper (vellum, cardstock, watercolor), fabric, glitter sheet, hard plastic sheets from ultra thin to 2mm thick, balsa wood sheets, shrink plastic, cosplay fabric materials, corrugated cardboard, foam board, gasket (think rubber-ish sheeting), and so much more!

I am seriously mind blown over here at the vast variety of things that I have been cutting out – AND how well this blade, mat, and machine are holding up to my mad scientist like abuse. Stay tuned for future posts using many of these awesome materials – and be sure to ask me questions if you’ve got them! I’d be happy to help.
Oh yes, and if you’ll be in Phoenix for Creativation next week be sure to stop by the Brother booth and say hello! Not attending? No worries! I’ll be doing posts to my Facebook and Instagram, as well as doing a post-show report right here. Happy Crafting!
Wow! Looks amazing – I can’t believe how many. things it can cut – and the fact that it adjusts the blade itself is just so cool! Looking forward to your reports from Creativation!
I love mine! Thank you for all your help when deciding what to buy!
Hi May, I was just having a conversation on the weekend with another scan n cut user friend, about cutting 1mm chipboard with the SDX1200 and she suggested I might need the deep cut blade, but you only used the standard blade for ALL of these materials?
Your opinions, experience & your results have blown me away. You see-i am a “brother virgin” I dont have any cutting machines, although i’m guilty of having a collection of scrapbooking scissors and paper punching-the cutting systems kindda scare me.
Would this machibe be a good investment for someone like me who has never used a electric cutting machine?
Once you described all if the mediums/materials you were able to cut, have me motivated me jump in, and purchase a system.
Or, do you have a suggestion where I should begin?
Thank you for sharing.
Yvonne, aka the mary widow🌻
Honestly, if what I’m doing looks like stuff you want to do then YEP! I advise you check out my YouTube videos as well as those on the ScanNCut website and make sure things look good to you. What machine you want really does depend on what you do and how you like to work. I like being able to scan, work without computer… well I’ve got dozens if not hundreds of posts and videos so go see and let me know if you have more questions! – May