
a year of more joy, more gratitude, more careful thought.
a celebration of gladness, not a glorification of busy.
a time of giving, not comparing. of enjoying, not worrying.
This Christmas, I will take each moment as it comes and wrap it in my own holiday spirit.
I will seek out beauty in simple things and choose time with loved ones over most anything else.
All this will lead me to a holiday season of nothing short of true sparkle.

Shimelle (Christmas Manifesto 2013)

This. Exactly, word for word, this. I am going to print this out (and credit the BRILLIANT author) and this is page #1 in my December album. I have been trying to think of how to open my book project and this really just resonated with me.

You can see more of her posts, as well as join in her Journal Your Christmas class here.

and if you’re wondering – yep. still here. resting. waiting my turn for surgery (which may be a few weeks – how fun…)

10 thoughts on “This.”

  1. I’ve been thinking of you, May! I hope that you’re hanging in there. Thanks for the link to the Emma series on YouTube– I’m looking forward to checking it out, because I loved the P&P series (also recommended by you!) 🙂

  2. Oh May ! Just now trying to get caught up on some blog reading. Sorry to hear about your gallbladder. been there, done that, the old fashion surgery way ( a month after getting married at that!) And had a real bad attack when we were off getting married. No fun!

    Wishing you a successful surgery and a speedy recovery ! hugs!

  3. Thank you for these words! I just may use them too. I was also struggling with a title page and beginning to my DD.
    Take care of yourself and I’ll be sending good thoughts for your speedy recovery!

  4. I love Shimelle and this is my second year of JYC. I agree that her manifesto this year will resonate with so many people. Take care of yourself through this holiday season. Merry Christmas.

  5. Love, love, love!! I am receiving Shimelle’s JYC emails but haven’t read a single one yet. Thank you for posting this beautiful message.

  6. Hope you’re holding up! Keep resting, May. I’m participating in Shimelle’s JYC for the second year. I really liked her manifesto this year, so I went with it also.

  7. Oh yes. The world needs to get itself “Shimelled”. I’m coining that one right now! I’ve channeled this manifesto more than once already this season.
    Take good care May! FYI, going vegan took away all my stomach/digestion issues, including an angry gallbladder.
    I’m so glad I’m taking YOUR class this season. That mixed media canvas is what’s going to keep me sane. So fun to have something like that for play time that isn’t going to someone else’s house! Thanks for taking the time to put it all together.

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