The pre-holiday prep.

Think I’m nuts for already planning for Christmas on October 1? Think again! There are a few reasons my way rules:

  • More time, less stress. [on budget planning, finding perfect gifts, your schedule]
  • better selection and options
  • spend December quietly relaxing while others run around in crowds at mall

It’s AWESOME to me, and it is that time where I start plotting. I LOVE that I spend December relaxing, crafting and gift wrapping, and generally avoiding stores. So today I thought I would share some hot/top picks turning up at the Flaum house so far this year:

 This soccer playing barbie = Elizabeth’s top pick. Santa already has one in her workshop… this toy? gonna disappear – in fact it’s already impossible to find around here!

I just spotted this while surfing Williams Sonoma… um… YES PLEASE. I always ask Santa for stuff like this from them – this is  brownie + cookie “Brookie”… and I need to bake them asap. Yes, these look worth the calories!!

I was SO excited to see a new Fancy Nancy book coming out – my girls are HUGE fans (all fancy little girls would LOVE any of her stuff!) – unfortunately it’s not releasing until early February. I am thinking about sending my niece a fancy box filled with treats (chocolate, necklace, accessories…) + a picture of this and a note that she will be getting a special delivery about a month after Christmas…  Amazon has pre-order available so that’s a plus!

Ok, so speaking of pre-order…

Have you seen the new Kindle available for pre-order? It’s looking awfully cool – maybe one of the hot gifts of Christmas 2011? Ok, definitely. I see the basic kindle is just $79 right now… that’s tempting too! While I am not big on e-books (most are just as expensive as paper! I’d rather have paper version!) there are sometimes good deals, and am wondering if MAYBE I want to reconsider…

Know what I wish? I knew a kid I could give this to. I don’t think my girls would play with it enough, but isn’t it awesome?

and how about the awesome mercury glass stuff that Pottery Barn has going on? I always think I’m going to gift shop there… I never actually do. Why is that? Oh well, it’s fun to look.

So, are you like me and looking early? Or do you wait until the last minute? Have you seen anything great (link a girl up!) or so far feeling uninspired?

Also? When is too soon to post my Christmas planner project photos? Do you want to see them now? Want me to wait another month?

Christmas – from gifts to baking to just spending time with family – is so my FAVORITE. Can you tell?

16 thoughts on “The pre-holiday prep.”

  1. ooohh dying to see your planner NOW! 🙂 I’m a plan aheader too! lol Love that Barbie – I’ve never seen her either! LOVE Christmas time too!

    I am obsessed w/ my kindle btw. I have soo many hard books that my shelves were overwhelmed! Now I buy only hardcovered classics or books I know I’ll want to share. Our library, you can “borrow” books on the kindle. Maybe yours too? You can also get hundreds of thousands of classics for free (tho I do like those in hard copy!). Just wanted to peer pressure you into checking it out more! LOL

  2. Eeeps!! Some great stuff here!

    I popped over to chime in about the Kindle Lending Library service, but I see that Beth beat me to it! Just a couple of links- you can read more about it here-, and see if you have a library near you who participates here- So happy that mine finally does! I cancelled a bunch of Kindle books I had on preorder and plan to just check them out as they’re available now.

    Oh, and the PB mercury glass stuff? Swoon!! I totally caved on the mercury glass pumpkins. Mine arrived Thursday and are sitting next to me on my desk right now waiting to get worked in with the Halloween/Fall decorations I’m planning on getting out today.

  3. As I was just scrolling through my google reader, my two youngest boys just shot across the room to stand at my elbows when they noticed the fire station set. So cute. More exciting than Sat. morning cartoons!

  4. I always plan ahead too. It’s way too hard to enjoy the holidays if they were full of stress and last minute chores. In fact, I already feel behind in my preparations! Good job being so far along in yours!

  5. I don’t think your nuts at all (tho my husband would; he can’t wrap his head around it ’til we’re at least half way through December!)! I would love to see your project planners now; the sooner the better. Absolutely love this time of year, but I overdo it 🙂 My goal this year is to have it all done by Dec 1 so that I can relax, enjoy the decorations, and do crafts and cooking with the kids.

    I’ve already started working on my Christmas cards for the simple reason they won’t get done if I don’t get them done now. It just gets way too busy. I also am planning Christmas cookies already so I can bake them and get them in the freezer. I do about a dozen different kinds. It worked so much better when I did that a few years ago, saving just the cut-outs to do with the kids in December.

    So what ages are your girls? I have a 7 yo niece to buy for that I don’t really know what she has. Sounds like Fancy Nancy would be right up her ally, no? I have all boys. That 2′ firehouse I think my 5 yo would love, but I just can’t afford it. Looks awesome tho! My boys are all into legos so they’ll get that from us and Santa probably, including books about legos 🙂 We’re into games in this house big-time, too, so that’ll be on the list.

    Sorry for the long post!!! Like I said, love this time of year; it energizes me!! 🙂

    btw, loved the positive thoughts post yesterday; just didn’t get over here to say so 🙂

  6. oh. forgot to say one thing. kindle fire. been checking out reviews about it just ’cause I’m a geek 🙂 questions on the os. sounds neat, but folks aren’t really sure if it will work well in actuality. recommendations are to stay away from gen 1. compared to ipad, price way better, but fire 1/2 the features and smaller size as well. fwiw

  7. Yeah- I heard that too. My kindle is older- wifi enabled and no ads, but that’s it. They are much cheaper now too than when I bought mine. I have an ipad2 and would never read books on it. There’s too much glare. Kindles have eink and no glare- and since I’m in Florida, that’s huge seller for me. 🙂 But love my iPad for everything else. Oh and childrens books are AWESOME on the iPad – I think they’d be great on the new colored Kindles as well.

  8. Another vote to see the planner! I’ve already started my Christmas shopping for just the same reasons as you! My cards are started too. First year making them so let’s see if they actually get finished 🙂

  9. I’m with everyone else. This gets me motivated to start holiday plans now and not when I’m too stressed in Dec. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Must admit I always enjoyed playing with my boy’s toys-of course I am a tomboy so it worked well.In my old age though I truly miss not having a girl!

  11. I’m completely on the same page as you May. I’ve already done shopping, made a list of gifts I need to pick up, planned my cookie baking, and planned out my Christmas dinner meal! Crazy I know. I want December to be carefree so I can really enjoy the season with my little boy.

  12. Never to early to start, May! When my kids were little, Santa’s workshop was in full swing by early October. Sometimes returns had to be made in early December if their tastes changed but I always felt better having the item hidden in my own “workshop” just in case it became the must-have-but-can’t-find-anywhere toy of he year! I haven’t looked through my PB catalog yet but I am thinking the mercury glass candy dish is the perfect gift for my godmother. Thanks for the suggestion!

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