I’ve been looking around the studio and thinking about the homemade items I have displayed. I find them inspiring.
The felt + photo magnet you see at bottom left can be found on Ali’s blog. I have items that I made, and also ones that were made for me like the AMAZING card my friend Kendra sent me…
Until a few years ago this sewing sampler hung in my Grandma’s house. We made it together when I was 8 years old, she picked the colors (to go in her home, after all) and I was the world’s worst sewing student. I love that it’s here with me now.
A favorite quote (it’s a part of a not-so-great canvas piece I have hanging on my wall)…
I used to work with a woman that made cigar box purses. At the time I thought her the most innovative, amazing artist of all time. I was in awe that she could do such things with beads and paper. I still love it’s Wonder Woman goodness, and so I keep it on the shelf.
This next is a 5×7 canvas experiment that is likely on it’s way out…
Sometimes I let things go, and I think that’s ok.
One Christmas years back I got a Claudine Hellmuth original poppet piece… I adore that Claudine’s work is here in the studio with me. Likewise, I cherish this sweet Valentine I got this year from my favorite NYC-living and cupcake eating friend Kelly.
Without a doubt the best thing my mom ever made me…
It’s a little box with Molly Shannon on the front, and I nailed it to the wall by the door. It’s not the “best” piece she’s ever made, but it was made for me, and it’s perfect. I also have two “M” monsters (though one is missing) by the coolest chick I know (a sister from another mother who reads this blog – hey T! I see you!)
I love them so much I’ve taken them on trips before – just for an added smile.
I also have a paperkins me made by my friend Tia and in the background you can see a custom horse needlepoint (I think it’s called needlepoint!) by my dear Aunt – she made it in the colors of my horse when I was a teenager and I’ve had it on my wall in every home I’ve lived in.
What does any of this have to do with my studio space or organization? Just that having hand crafted bits and pieces is inspiring to me, and often I forget how much handmade love is right here in this room – and not all made by me. I keep a box (missing in “scary closet” at moment) of handmade cards I receive, and other small treasures too. I can look through it when I need a pick-me-up or just want to be creatively inspired.
I believe that building myself a pretty and happy creative nest encourages productivity, creativity, and new ideas.
So much more for me to see & do – I’ve got a second article at SBUpdate all about the little pieces, and I’ve got about 10,000 things on my “share with my blog friends” list. LOTS more to come soon.