Organizing: the bottom line

Keep it simple + flexible

Shelves and simple boxes can be used & reused for dang near anything. You can move, change, and alter your stuff as you see fit. Personally I liked paints & inks in shallow plastic tubs/boxes better than on shelves, but my kids could get into them that way, so up on the shelf they go. Things like this are all over my space – they move, change, and flow with the times. This is why I never committed to (and am glad I didn’t) one big scrap room system or organization unit.

I’m just more hodge-podge-y. Sometimes specialty items are simple and great too – like my thread spool holder. Other times generic cheap stuff really rocks my socks.

I think that if you’re organizing purely for esthetics, you’re going to be miserable. I found long ago cute lidded containers and so much other stuff out there would just NOT be good to work with.

Bottom line? What matters is that however you keep your supplies they’re easily accessible/useable AND it’s not a pain to put stuff back where it belongs. Before you get into something too deep, try using it… or at least imagining using it. That eighteen inch high jar to keep buttons in sounds cute, but imagine the one you want is down at the bottom. Newsflash: you’ll be digging a LONG time to get to it. Then you’ll need to put it all BACK.

Yes, if there’s one lesson I’ve learned is that storage is so NOT about how you are keeping things when they’re not in use, but how much trouble it is to get out and put back stuff.

I have a few areas still totally in disarray here, and when I get them fixed/cleaned up I’ll be sure to share how that goes.  This weekend I want to get ahead of some looming deadlines (all FUN stuff), and work on a new creative journey post for Tuesday… oh, and if you know me at all you’ll know SO MUCH MORE to come… I’ve got a big list of bloggy fun – it’s gonna be a great summer.

7 thoughts on “Organizing: the bottom line”

  1. Yes sure do agree, eg) one of the things i dont do on my LO’s is machine stitching and thats because my machine is packed away in a box and i am too lazy to get it out, so i do faux stitching with a pen instead-lazy or what.

  2. You are dead on right! I could not have explained it better. And even with a “system” I would not be taking the time to put everything away every night anyway (because I do not have little children..just big ones who know where to steal from anyway). I think having a paper/project system is, however, very important. This is the area I want to make improvements in. Thanks for helping!

  3. I used to organize based on accessibility, but like you, I now need to consider ‘lack of accessibility’ (i.e., is it in a place where my son can’t get to it?) 🙂 Also, I’m constantly trying to balance the practical with the aesthetic. Both are important. The room needs to function, but I have to be happy while I’m there. Very fun to read your thoughts.

  4. That is so true – it’s so easy to get sucked in by cute matchy-matchy stuff but it’s not always practical. I keep my alphabet stickers on binder rings by colour, on the side of my bookshelf. Not pretty but it works for me!

  5. I have definitely moved from the how it looks to function. I’ve tried to put the things I use most close at hand but your “putting it back” was one of those light bulb going off things. I just realized how much of my stuff I never use (drawer of chipboard)because it’s such a pain to put ti back. Thanks once again fro some really great input.

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