Field Guide | what students are saying

I can talk all day long about Field Guide and how much fun I’m having, how much I’m loving class…

but as the one who made class, shouldn’t I?!

Today I have some quotes + blog links from students.

I really like how free you are with your crafting.  Makes me want to be less of a perfectionist.  I started misting this past year and I tell people that I need to do it, because it is messy and that is good for me.  I need more mess and less neatness in my creations.  Watching you helps give me ideas on how to incorporate mist in regular scrapbooking pages.  I had not done that previously.  I think that I will get out all my stuff and start on my travel scrapbook and have the pages be made and filled with the techniques learned from this class.  Will be a memory maker in more ways than one.

I have signed up for so many classes that I have never completed, I decided that I just was not going to sign up for anything else until I finished some other things.  However, you tweeted that the class was now up and running so I just had to go look at it one more time and decided to purchase the class.  After reading over the pre-class materials and reading the first week handout and viewing some of the videos I am now convinced that I made a great decision in purchasing this class.  I am so inspired just in the past hour I have spent with the materials.

Siri blogs…

I am loving class so much!!  I feel so inspired I don’t even want to get out of my PJ’s.  I just want to stay in my room and work. But kiddo’s must be fed and laundry must be done =) But I am absolutely LOVING the paint with mist.  I just painted a page for a layout.  Can’t wait to share that.

Emily blogged here:

I love the look of blended colors and layering, but haven’t known how to create that effect. I love that you are showing us how things work. I’m also loving seeing how you play and experiment. That is more freeing than you might know! At first, I was thinking, okay, now I need to go to the store and buy all these supplies. And, then I thought … no. I’m going to go home, see what I’ve got (I know I have paintbrushes, at least one mist, some stamps and inks, and paper) … and I’m going to use these core ideas to create something colorful … I’m confident that I know enough to be able to play. And, perhaps my own ideas and style will really start to show through!! I’m so grateful to have a guide – and such a loving and encouraging voice in my head.

Sherry blogs:

SoapHouseMama blogs:


More student blog posts…



If you’ve blogged about class please do feel free to leave a link in the comment section here!

Registration is still open until Wednesday if you would like to join in.

3 thoughts on “Field Guide | what students are saying”

  1. I am also in the class and am loving it. I knew that it would be more of a value than the money paid because I took May’s hybrid class at BPC and she packs the content in there. One week in, and I can’t get over how much stuff this gal covers. Fun and crafty, who could want more!

  2. I was out of town this weekend, but did manage to play with some mists:

    and make a card using my misted pieces:

    So excited to play more! Anyone who is on the fence should sign up now! The videos alone are worth the price of the class – there are 26 before we even dove into the course. You are amazing!

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