I’m starting to gather supplies to take with me on our upcoming Maui vacation. This is what I’ve settled on. The smaller of the Amy Tangerine Day Books has more journaling space I’ve discovered, so I’m going to pack it and the other things you see here. I plan on writing + taping bits of memorabilia in.
This is meant to be a vacation JOURNAL.
On the cover I stitched the transparency down and added letter stickers under it as my title. I’ll be sure to share some pages and my experience. It’s not my first time to do a journal. The few times I have they become TREASURED. Seriously. Having notes on every restaurant, the funny quotes and details that nobody would remember… yeah I’m excited.
back to work, got to stop day dreaming…
You will have a blast. Sounds like you find time to write in yours on vacation. I took a journal with me to Maui when we celebrated our anniversary this fall. I often didn’t have time to write in it as I was too busy enjoying vacation and offloading pictures from the camera.
Yay for you!! I took a Smash book with me on our trip last year!