I love Enchanted + this video of course. How can I resist an ever ever after love story???
Speaking of loving Disney Princesses & happy stories – right now the fab Flaum 4 (as I sometimes call us) is enjoying some fairy tale magic all our own.
In Disneyland + San Diego – rockin’ out a fall vacation to remember (I hope!)
I’ve been a sneaky girl. See, I wrote up blog posts & pre-set them to go up during our vacation. So actually, if you’re reading this we’re nearly back home now. Know what that means?
Photos + Layouts coming right atcha soon as I can.
Have a happily ever after kind of weekend!!!
~ May
Oh I’m excited to see what you do, we’re going to DisneyWorld in May. I’ve never been and it’s going to be a trip of a lifetime for all 6 of us {I hope}. I hope you give me ideas of what to expect and what projects you do with your photos!
I sure hope you all had a great time!