I’m sharing photos + my first tattoo experience here today…
I realized earlier today that while I have been sharing about my new (obsession) accessory I haven’t actually blogged about it, and I’m giddy. Someone else to share with – fantastic. While the tattoo (my first) is new, the idea has been in my mind for a long time… and I’m glad I finally went for it.
Why is it that when I told people I was getting a tattoo most laughed or didn’t believe me?! I heard more than once that “you’re not the kind of girl who gets tattoos” and I’m not sure what that is supposed to mean. Stereotyping people or being randomly judgemental is bad in my book. Or is it that I’m not cool enough?! Moving on. I have always had respect for the artistry involved in tattooing, but until a few years ago I never thought I would get any. Now after months, no, years, of wanting some work done I finally jumped in with one of my ideas.
Before you ask… of course there is some level of pain here. Think about it: you’re getting inked. It involves pointy objects piercing your skin. I did not at any time mistake the experience for a relaxing pedicure.
That’s my leg with the outline/sketch (pre-needles and ink). I went in with an idea – all credit for awesomeness of final design goes to Angel (tattoo artist extraordinaire).
Best comment I got (pre-tattoo): my mom asked what I’d do about any formal galas/balls/work events to cover up my tattoo. My answer was “first off, when am I going to these mythical events and secondly why would I be hiding it?!” I mean that – but in all seriousness – if I don’t want it seen pants or an ankle length dress cover it – and both are things I wear quite often. As far as my job goes… y’all wouldn’t even know I had it if I didn’t tell you about it!
I really enjoyed watching Angel work and seeing the idea come to life. He took my inspiration photos (which were totally vintage and very much me) and made it into a kick ass tattoo. Seriously – I had the best experience and I even at one point said I was having fun and/or a real good time. Somehow, I don’t think that’s a normal reaction. (but it was mine!)
I am so glad I went to Angel for this. {Any/all future tattoos? definitely will be going back to him!!} I came home beyond happy with what he did…
So there’s the final tattoo. I love it SO MUCH I can’t even tell you – it’s fan-freaking-tastic. (If I was still in the tattoo shop I could use stronger language… but here on my blog you know I try to keep it profanity free). I think I’m starting to annoy Jason with my near hourly “have you seen my tattoo? Do you LOVE it?” badgering. I’ve shown it to everyone I see. I’ve lifted my foot onto counters to show it off. I’ve been wearing outfits that coordinate with it.
Did I mention I LOVE IT? It’s PERFECT!! It’s SOOO ME. That was the whole idea too… if May got a tattoo, it would totally look like (see below). PERFECTION!!!
Thanks for letting me share with you about my experience. I love the artwork on my leg, and I thank Angel {Owner of Tatt Magic Studio} for taking my idea and turning into something I’m proud to have be a part of me. If you are in Northern CA and want a tattoo I can’t recommend him highly enough. In case you want the info – Tatt Magic Studio is located in Fairfield, CA {707-425-3921}
It looks great! Gorgeous colors. I love tattoos. I hate, though, when people say stuipd stuff like “you know that’s permanent, right” Duh!
Not sure what kind of a girl gets a tattoo – other than I’m that kind of a girl – I have two, a little kitty on my shoulder and a beautiful unicorn on my lower back. I have so much fun when people find out I have them – after all, what kind of a librarian has tattoo’s???
May your tattoo is beautiful.
Well, I don’t have one… but May… your tat kicks A**! (love the purple).
Sorry May, just looked again, it’s hard to tell if it’s purple or fuschia/pink?
Thanks for sharing. Interesting post. How long did it take from start to finish? I don’t think I could take the pain. I love fleur de lis, so elegant.
totally awesome!! i got the same reaction from others when i got my first except my mother said “what will the neighbors say??”. It is actually anticipating that reaction that helped me make the final decision after of year of debate. I mean really – i was in my 30’s, married with 2 kids. Time to get disapproving voices out of my head! congrats!! it is beautiful!!!!!
p.s. mine is also on my ankle. when my step-daughter got married, it was very formal so i choose a long dress.
I’m glad you haven’t let the worry of formal events derail you from doing something you wanted to do!
Your Tatt rocks May – and yes, so you!
You go girl! Angel’s an artist – your tat definitely kicks a**! I’d have one, if I could ever figure out what’s quintessentially me.
I love it! (The tat guy is pretty cute, too!! lol)
I love your new tattoo! I was that girl too who people thought would never get inked and I have three! I applaud you for diving in and getting what you wanted
May, your tattoo is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! You’ve SO got me thinking about it again – I also have been kicking the idea around for a LONG time… I’ll let you know if I take the plunge! Congrats on going for it!!! It’s so empowering!!
~ ellen..
May – I LOVE your tattoo!! I want one too…just haven’t done it yet, but I will!
Thanks for sharing!
That is one wicked tattoo May, love how it matches your trainers too. You do know tattoo’s are addictive don’t you? :D, I have 3 & want more, I want to get a whole sleeve done, but my mum would kill me (even though I’m 30)
Way to go May! Just learned something else about you
And I love that you just went for it…no little tiny can-hardly-see-it-first-time-tattoo-for- you!! Whoot Whoot!
Now I wonder what paper and embellisments you are going to use to scrapbook this experience?!?!?!?
thats fantastic May! i love how bright and beautiful it is!!
i want one really bad but im such a commitment phobe that i cant decide what i want to have on my body FOREVER…haahaahaa
The colors are great. He did a really good job of adding depth to the design. Glad to hear that you’re so happy with it.
I love your tattoo!!!! I have been wanting one for years, but have not gotten one done.
You are too cool.
I love that these are the google ads underneath your post:
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Laser Tattoo Removal
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I gotta love a girl with this kind of passion! I don’t even have pierced ears..which says something about me. Passion in everything you do will take you far!
I love it! You should only ever get a tattoo that is you and by the sound of your enthusiasm for it, you did. I haven’t gotten one yet but I too admire the artistry of a great tattoo and the artist and someday when I have the image that conveys what I want, I will get one. And I am with you, if you get one you should be happy to have it show but if you ever really need it covered and want to show some leg ; ) there is tattoo covering make-up. That is how Angelina Jolie appears tattoo free (or less) in movies.
Love it! It is sooooo cool and sooooo you! You go with your bad self chick!!! I am proud of you! I am a tat owner myself!!
Amending language for family friendly blog-Totally freaking awesome!
Love it! I’m a fleur fan myself.
And tattooed girl as well. Welcome to our ranks! 
All sorts of people get them now. They’re considered art work.
Wow, that is wicked awesome, you little rebel you!
Cute May! You picked a good location. Not a body part that will change much with age. You know how I feel about tattooed saggy body parts, LOL! (I’ve seen a few, not pretty!)
Very brave of you to get such a large one. Of course, you felt good. Your body was producing endorphins because of the pain.
I’m sticking with the wash off versions. At my age I’m not sure I can find any non-saggy body parts and I get enough endorphin highs banging my head on the wall!
That looks very cool! I don’t think I could do it because of the pain but I love your design and colours!
its so lovely May, the design would, of course, also make a fabulous ‘rub on’ (tat or otherwise )xxx
Love it! Welcome to the tattoo girl club!
Mine had faded with age and old ink so for Mother’s Day last spring my husband took me to have it re-inked. Now that is love!
Enjoy it. You’re right, it is a part of you that shares who you are and it is ART!
Nice design. But does it match when you’re not wearing those Nike shoes? lol
Purple – it’s you! Glad that you are so happy with it. “It involves pointy objects piercing your skin.” Umm, aren’t those called needles?? Which is why I will never get a tattoo.
Love the tattoo! But be careful–they’re addicting. I am also one of those people that don’t look like they would have tattoos. People are shocked when I tell them that I have 6. I got my first one on my 18th birthday and have never looked back.
That tattoo is gorgeous, May! And awesome for you, doing your own thing. I’m with you on stereotyping- I have no place for it, and I hate when people do it to me.
You are *definitely* cool enough for a tattoo.
my only tattoo is preety small and I cried when I got it!! Love all the purple but to me, it looks like a painful process
Oh yeah girl – it goes with everything.
Your ink is very artistic and colorful just like I imagine you are! The colors are perfect the size is awesome. He did a great job on the shading. I’m ink free, but I’ve been in love with the art since I was little. I will often comment on pieces I like so I think you should show it off as much as possible.