Creatively Brave.

I know it’s not always easy – but today I want to encourage you to do something brave. It doesn’t have to be big or grand, fancy or impressive. Do something (creatively) brave that scares you… and see how ok it will be.


It is so hard to step outside of that known zone, that comfortable area, but trust me. It’s worth it. I mean really, what’s the worst thing that can happen? A card is ugly? A scrapbook layout ruined? A piece of paper becomes garbage? Taking a creative leap of faith to try something new – big or small – is so rewarding.

The consequences of being creatively brave aren’t so dire.

I’ve learned that the success or failure really isn’t the point, and to be honest judging that isn’t a priority. It is the stepping outside the comfort zone, outside where I’m sure of myself and the DOING that is the reward in and of itself.

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Finding that there’s more that I am capable of, seeing that something isn’t as scary as I thought, or simply that it’s worth it – these are my rewards. Once upon a time making my blog public was a huge leap. As I continue in my journey I keep on taking a deep breath, and trying the new. Testing the limits.

One such thing? More posts with my thoughts instead of worrying that people may only want to see the “best” projects I can offer and nothing else. Ah because the very best thing about being creatively brave?

It helps beat back the voices that say no, that say I can’t, and it feeds my positive self.

and isn’t that always a good thing? Keep on discovering my friends, andΒ  I’ll keep sharing my journey with you as well..

16 thoughts on “Creatively Brave.”

  1. Great post. Great reminder to us all to just be who we are, without judgment or comparisons. Works for me. Michelle t

  2. I’m glad you’re continuing to share your journey. You are very inspiring, and it means a lot to me. πŸ™‚

  3. Another leap of creative faith! Your star is on the rise, and we appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Your students/fans/followers/friends are behind you all the way. You are a good teacher with a good message. We are all better crafters and therefore, people because you encourage us to exercise those creative muscles and grow. As long as you do things that are positive for you, they will be positive for others as well, and we all benefit. Thank you!

  4. Sometimes when I look back through my scrapbooks, I remember which ones I made in your classes, because I tried things I would never had tried otherwise: hand-cutting a bracket shape on one side of a 12 x 12 paper , filling half a page with tons of buttons, or splattering paint on a background. I can always tell when I’m channeling my inner May (or Shimelle or Noell) when I’m scrapping. πŸ™‚

  5. Well said, May! I struggle with the judging part, but Sometimes I just let go and go crazy. If it doesn’t turn out, I paint over it or toss it. BTW, I don’t know if that card was an experiment or a new technique, but it sure looks good.

  6. Your posts about your thoughts are my favorites. They are the ones that inspire me as a person.

  7. Thank you for this important reminder. Being brave is something I have to force myself to be on a regular basis, and not just creatively speaking. I appreciate how you inspire through your art as well as your words!

  8. may, this is just what I needed to hear this morning. Life has been so busy that creating anything has taken a back seat but I am so held back by the voices that say no. You are so right the worst thing is – you hate it and you bin it πŸ˜€ thank you for giving me the freedom to just play <3 I really love your posts.

  9. I do the same thing! While I might not have made a page like that on my own, they are often my favorites.

  10. What a great post – thanks for the reminder! I love your card and the way you photographed it too!

  11. This is what I love about you……keeping it real, being bold and open to adventure and discovery. Thank you for sharing your journey.

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