This room is the smallest in the house, but it’s all mine and having a “batcave” is a wonderful thing. So welcome to a visual tour! I realize I’ve never posted photos of the whole room, so here it is. All artwork on door is by Elizabeth, but Rebecca says she’s going to start contributing too.
My helper is excited to see me taking pictures in here. Now, I didn’t clean up and some stuff is still in progress/being moved, but it’s clean enough to get an idea of what it’s like in here. 3 work surfaces: sewing, crafting, computer
I’m using the computer desk shelf mostly for decoration stuff, but that might change. I keep my headset for skype and battery chargers and such on nails on the wall behind printer.
The view from my reading chair – which doubles as a movie watching chair. The bar stool you see barely gets used – I find myself standing to work much more often.
Another view from chair – this time looking out toward the door. The closet (closed) is still very scary. At the bottom of this picture you can see a glass-top table…
my mom left it here from the time she lived with us for three week. THREE LONG WEEKS. Why? Well we were all waiting on miss Rebecca to be born! Anyhow, when I started the major cleaning in here I rediscovered the table and the girls have been using it (it’s a tv-tray kind of thing) as a painting table.
thanks grandma! FYI – they are into painting wood animals from the craft store. 50 cents – $2 and worth every penny.
Details, new projects, and semi-deep thoughts to come… stay tuned.