All packed up for Camp…

Twas the eve before my newest Big Picture class began and I was all worked up…

Yes, tomorrow my new class starts and I’m PUMPED!! I can’t begin to tell you how many hours goes into the making of a class BEFORE students ever enter… and I put love and care into every detail. If you’re joining me, I sure do hope you enjoy!

Tonight I would like to take a moment to thank all of the friends of Camp Scrap. So many individuals encouraged me and supported this class, and I am grateful for it.  A big thanks to all of the companies that are donating prizes for class too. Their support of this class has been nothing short of fabulous. 

American Crafts, Bella Blvd, Catslife Press, Core’dinations, Evalicious, GCD Studios, Glitz Designs, Jenni Bowlin, Jillibean Soup, Kaiser Craft, Lily Bee, Pink Paislee, Scarlet Lime Bead Art, Scrapbook Adhesives, Studio Calico, Tattered Angels, Teresa Collins, The Girls’ Paperie, Tim Holtz, and Webster’s Pages

I would also like to thank Ali Edwards [], Claudine Hellmuth [], Dina Wakley [], Lisa Truesdell [], Liz Hicks [], Nic Howard [], Shimelle Laine[], Stacy Julian [], and Valerie Salmon[] for taking the time to share inspiration and some of their creative genius with me.

If you’re thinking about signing up – registration is open until June 30th.

Personally I’m so excited and anxious to get going. To share the ideas I’ve put together and see how it all goes. I’ll be up early as possible tomorrow to greet the first ever Camp Scrap students.

Carving out quiet time, enjoying a stolen moment to craft a bit… yes I’m really looking forward to it. I stole a bit of time today to pull together this layout (used the June Little Black Dress kit) just because. Camp Scrap is really all about YOU the student. Whatever your scrap goals, however much time you’ve got… we’ll make it work. Personally I’m looking to chat and skype time with fellow scrapbookers the most.

Whatever you’re doing right now, however you’re crafting I hope you enjoy. I know I am!


Hey there.

Us ladies were in Santa Cruz at the Boardwalk yesterday. Good times all around… this is us leaving (the mighty wooden roller coaster behind us, no we didn’t ride it).

Today? I’m in prep-ville for Camp Scrap (starts in 12hrs and counting!!). Loads more coming at you later today and all week long. In the meantime if you’d like a new summer journaling idea – check out my post on Ali’s blog. I’ll be writing down more notes myself today – as this has been one insane action packed adventure of a week.

Now I’m off to get my craft on…

Scarlet Lime Bead Art {prize}

Did you know that the owners of Scarlet Lime Kit Club also have Bead Art Kits?

I have a pink watch that I wear a lot – and let me tell you I get comments like CRAZY about it! I love it! You know what I think is even better than me telling you how much I think their stuff rocks?

How about a give-away from them?

That’s right! Christy is so super generous, and she said I could give one lucky blog reader a prize pack that will include a necklace, necklace kit, watch, and watchart kit! This is a $30 prize pack – and I’m sure you’ll love it. So, would you like it?

Just leave a comment here and I’ll draw a winner Monday night!

PS – want to know something extra cool? If you’re in Camp Scrap there is going to be a give-away during our ‘bonus week’ from Scarlet Lime Bead Art in class! Woo hoo!

I pity the fool who doesn’t love movies.

I have a love/hate relationship with movies. Sometimes? Well, I feel like there’s nothing good anymore and why bother. But then I’ll hit a good movie, just one, and it reminds me why I love them so much. Two hours or so of a good story and visual entertainment is a great thing. I don’t like excessive drama (Dear, John is a film I have ZERO interest in) nor do I like horror movies. But if you live in action, comedy, or romance land… well that’s where most of my faves live. {funny, but I feel the same about fiction books!}

So imagine my delight that I’ve found THREE treasures, just this week.

Above you can see our newspaper, and the movie Jason was surprised I’d picked out to watch. Yes, today the headliner is the A-Team. I went and saw it with my friend today- she’s also a fan of fun action flicks. We went in with high hopes, and they were exceeded. We both loved this entire movie. It was FUNNY – it made fun of itself, as well as had great characters and lines. It was fast paced (no insanely drawn out fight scenes here!). It was everything we adore about good action movies. Two thumbs way, way, up. I was 100% entertained and delighted. My friend and I are hoping for a sequel.

Side note? I will SO be trying to recreate some of the cool grungy looks they had in some of the still-shots at beginning and end of movie with some digi-scrapbook stuff.

I heard the girl from Veronica Mars (great show) had a leading lady role in romantic comedy, so I added to netflix. MONTHS later, and it’s out now. When in Rome is a cute story about a work-a-holic girl who goes to Rome for her sister’s wedding and ends up getting some magical stuff happening because she steals coins from a love fountain. believable? NO. Cute & fun anyway? oh yes.

My favorite thing was the four unsuitable suitors who follow her around and act crazy. That was worth a watch on it’s own, but still overall I’d rate it a “solid romantic comedy, but not a ‘gotta buy'”

Finally, Valentine’s Day. I was hoping it’d be cool in a He’s just not that into you or Love, Actually kind of way. SO many stars and little story lines in here… it was lovely. Seriously enjoyed it and the unpredictable ways some of the stories turned and connected to one another. A very happy “one day” story, I’m glad I watched it.

Three movie scores in a row? DANG! I’m almost afraid to check anything else out now, for fear of getting a junky movie. Good thing True Blood becomes available on Netflix next week so I can catch up on season 2!!

Around the net

I have a lot of out &  about time today, so I thought it would be fun to share where I’m (virtually speaking) out & about on the web today too!

I was a guest (filling in for Nancy) on the PRT podcast this week – we’re talking all about journaling. You can get it on Itunes, or check it out here:

You can also find me today at Big Picture Scrapbooking’s blog – sharing a layout + sketch. If you create something based on it, I’d love to see!

I’ve also got an article at Scrapbook Update about shopping finds at Etsy and small boutique shops on-line.  

Happy almost weekend everyone!