Our neighbors go camping every summer. Even when she was like 8 months pregnant. Even when they had a newborn. I shudder just thinking about that kind of an experience. NO THANK YOU. Oh, I think she’s a rock star and I give her mad props for the ruggedness. It’s just not me, well not with kids who aren’t able to fend for themselves more at least. For now this girl will ‘rough it’ down at a local park for a few hours or something.
But there is something I miss from family camping trips (something we’ll bring back when girls are much older) and refuse to give up – S’mores.
Graham cracker + marshmallow (toasted) + a few squares of milk chocolate (or chocolate chips!)
If you just threw them (as shown above) onto a sheet of foil under a broiler for a minute or two though… well you could fake it from comfort of your own kitchen. Oh and guess what? They taste better since the chocolate gets melted a bit too.
I find putting a second graham cracker on top helps make it more manageable. But let’s be real – I’ll eat one of these any way I can get it.
Just call me a suburban camper.
If you’ll now excuse me, I’m going to go direct a scrapbooking camp. Quite happily (and minus bug spray) too.