my P&P collage

I’m working on a collage inspired by Pride & Prejudice- it even has pages from the book on it. Wanna see?




I love working on something like this that has countless layers, details, and time invested. It’s still evolving… and has a long way to go. You’ll be seeing the final piece in a few days for sure.

Friday giggles…

Sometimes when taking photos of projects and such I stop and photograph something random. Today, being Friday and all I thought I’d share a couple  of funny bits I have in my studio that I haven’t noticed in a long time, but that make me laugh.


A pin (office space) that is on my inspiration board that I just noticed… and that is cracking me up big time.


A notebook (small) from my mom that I’ll likely never use… but I enjoy it being up on the wall looking silly. That’s it from here- have a FABULOUS weekend!!!

table decor tower: day 2


sanding, painting, paper covering, glazing, adding texture… it’s a long and slow process with many breaks in between coats, sides, and colors. This works well for me as I can pop in, work for 10 minutes, then leave for hours… coming back when I have time once again.


My goal is to finish this (and post results) by Monday. In the meantime, I’ve got other crafty fun to share, so stay tuned!

ps- crowdspring, hire kelly purkey as your new community marketing manager.

home decor tower: day 1

I am pretty famous (in my own mind) for saying “Oh my gosh, why would I spend _____  on this when I can so make it myself with supplies I already have?!” Then, I don’t ever make the decor item, wish I had, and yeah… you see where I’m going with this.

Well Target had this gift tower (centerpiece?) that was SOOO cute, except some of the colors and such weren’t great. I headed to Michael’s, got a wood dowel, and now I’m REALLY making my own gift tower centerpiece! Since I’m totally winging this and making it up as I go I thought it would be fun to bring you along on my adventure. This is day #1.


Ok, so I have a ceramic pot, and then I gathered a few boxes and things that I want to use. I stacked it up until I maxed out.  NOTHING is final or glued at this point. I’m just figuring out where I want stuff.


See how I got the dowel through? I took a craft knife and poled slits so that the dowel could poke through the middle, but the excess would help hold on (and hold it in place).

My next step will be decorating each box, then finding the hot glue gun to make it all stick together. Stay tuned!